सुखस्य मूलं धर्मः ।
धर्मस्य मूलमर्थः ।
अर्थस्य मूलं राज्यम् ।
राज्यस्य मूलम् इन्द्रियजयः ।
इन्द्रियजयस्य मूलं विनयः ।
विनयस्य मूलं वृद्धोपसेवः ।
वृद्धोपसेवया विज्ञानम् ।
विज्ञानेन आत्मानं संपादयेत् ।
संपादितात्मा जितात्मा भवति ।
जितात्मा सर्वार्थैः संयुज्येत ।
sukhasya mūlaṁ dharmaḥ |
dharmasya mūlam arthaḥ |
arthasya mūlaṁ rājyam |
rājyasya mūlam indriya-jayaḥ |
indriya-jayasya mūlaṁ vinayaḥ |
vinayasya mūlaṁ vṛddhopasevaḥ |
vṛddhopasevayā vijñānam |
vijñānena ātmānaṁ saṁpādayet |
saṁpāditātmā jitātmā bhavati |
jitātmā sarvārthaiḥ saṁyujyeta |
(Cāṇakya-sūtras: 1–10)
“The basis of happiness is dharma [i.e., right conduct, ethics]. The basis of dharma is artha [i.e., resources, wealth, economy]. The basis of artha is kingship [i.e., state, government]. The basis of kingship is control over the senses. The basis of control over the senses is discipline. The basis of discipline is subservience to elders. Through subservience to elders comes proficiency [i.e., discernment]. Equip yourself with proficiency. Those who have equipped themselves become self-controlled. Those who are self-controlled will become endowed with all attainments.”