स्तेयं हिंसानृतं दम्भ: काम: क्रोध: स्मयो मद: ।
भेदो वैरमविश्वास: संस्पर्धा व्यसनानि च ॥
एते पञ्चदशानर्था ह्यर्थमूला मता नृणाम् ।
तस्मादनर्थमर्थाख्यं श्रेयोऽर्थी दूरतस्त्यजेत् ॥
steyaṁ hiṁsānṛtaṁ dambhaḥ kāmaḥ krodhaḥ smayo madaḥ |
bhedo vairam aviśvāsaḥ saṁspardhā vyasanāni ca ||
ete pañcadaśānarthā hy artha-mūlā matā nṛṇām |
tasmād anartham arthākhyaṁ śreyo’rthī dūratas tyajet ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 11.23.18–19)
“Theft, violence, falsity, deceit, lust, anger, perplexity, pride, quarrel [alt., treachery, disunion], enmity, mistrust, jealousy [alt., rivalry] and vices—these are considered the fifteen detriments (anarthas) of human beings rooted in wealth (artha) [i.e., wealth is a cause not only of forms of suffering but of sin as well]. Therefore, a seeker of well-being should give up the detriment (anartha) known as wealth (artha) from afar.”