स्नेहस्तूत्कृष्टतावाप्त्या माधुर्यं मानयन् नवम् ।
यो धारयत्यदाक्षिण्यं स मान इति कीर्त्यते ॥
snehas tūtkṛṣṭatāvāptyā mādhuryaṁ mānayan navam |
yo dhārayaty adākṣiṇyaṁ sa māna iti kīrtyate ||
(Ujjvala-nīlamaṇi: 14.96)
“Sneha which, upon having reached excellence [i.e., full manifestation], causes experience of fresh sweetness (mādhurya) and adoption of non-compliance [i.e., external crookedness or obstinacy in one’s behavior so as to conceal one’s feelings] is called māna.”