सतां कृपा च दुरवस्थादर्शनमात्रोद्भवा, न स्वोपासनाद्यपेक्षा, यथा श्रीनारदस्य नलकूवरमणिग्रीवयोः । तदाह—भजन्ति ये यथा देवान्देवा अपि तथैव तान् । छायेव कर्मसचिवाः साधवो दीनवत्सलाः ।
satāṁ kṛpā ca duravasthā-darśana-mātrodbhavā, na svopāsanādy-apekṣā, yathā śrī-nāradasya nalakūvara-maṇigrīvayoḥ | tad āha—bhajanti ye yathā devān devā api tathaiva tān | chāyeva karma-sacivāḥ sādhavo dīna-vatsalāḥ |
(Bhakti Sandarbha: 183)
“The grace of sādhus arises just by [them] seeing someone in an adverse condition. It is not dependent on one’s worship or otherwise, as in the case of Śrī Nārada’s grace upon Nalakūvara and Maṇigrīva. Thus it is said (in SB 11.2.6), “As one serves the devas, so too do the devās, the administers of karma, serve him, like a refection. Sādhus [however] are affectionate to the poor [i.e., sādhus bestow grace upon jīvas out of compassion rather than out of reciprocal obligation, and they may bless jīvas with something far superior to what such fortunate jīvas may presently understand or desire].”