सर्वज्ञैर्मुनिपुङ्गवैः प्रवितते तत्तन्मते युक्तिभिः
पूर्वं नैकतरत्र कोऽपि सुदृढं विश्वस्त आसीज्जनः ।
सम्प्रत्यप्रतिमप्रभाव उदिते गौराङ्गचन्द्रे पुनः
श्रुत्यर्थो हरिभक्तिरेव परमः कैर्वा न निर्धार्यते ॥
sarvajñair muni-puṅgavaiḥ pravitate tat-tan-mate yuktibhiḥ
pūrvaṁ naikataratra ko’pi sudṛḍhaṁ viśvasta āsīj janaḥ |
sampraty apratima-prabhāva udite gaurāṅga-candre punaḥ
śruty-artho hari-bhaktir eva paramaḥ kair vā na nirdhāryate ||
(Caitanya-candrāmṛta: 124)
“Previously, even when the best of the all-knowing sages put forth their views with arguments, no one firmly believed in any one of them. Yet now that the incomparably powerful Gaurāṅgacandra has arisen, who has not concluded that Hari-bhakti is alone the ultimate purport of the Śruti?”