প্রভু বোলে—ভক্ত-বাক্য কৃষ্ণের বর্ণন ।
ইহাতে যে দোষ দেখে, সে-ই ’পাপী’ জন ॥
ইহাতে যে দোষ দেখে, তাহার সে দোষ ।
ভক্তের বর্ণন-মাত্র কৃষ্ণের সন্তোষ ॥
prabhu bole—bhakta-vākya kṛṣṇera varṇana |
ihāte ye doṣa dekhe, se-i ’pāpī’ jana ||
ihāte ye doṣa dekhe, tāhāra se doṣa |
bhaktera varṇana-mātra kṛṣṇera santoṣa ||
(Chaitanya-bhāgavata: 1.11.105, 109)
“Prabhu said, ‘A bhakta’s statements are descriptions of Kṛṣṇa. One who finds fault in these is a sinful person. … The fault [in this case] is [actually] that of the one who finds fault in these [descriptions of Kṛṣṇa made by a bhakta]. Any description of [i.e., made by] a bhakta is satisfying to Kṛṣṇa [regardless of whether it has faults in it].”
The fault-finder is really the one at fault, not someone who tries to praise [or, more broadly, serve] Kṛṣṇa but makes some mistakes along the way. Finding fault in bhaktas and their expressions is an aparādha and a far greater obstacle to bhakti than the occurrence of shortcomings in one’s offerings of praise or service.