पीठपूजायां भगवद्धामे श्रीगुरुपादुकापूजनमेवं सङ्गच्छते, यथा—य एव भगवानत्र व्यष्टिरूपतया भक्तावतारत्वेन श्रीगुरुरूपो वर्तते, स एव तत्र समष्टिरूपतया स्ववामप्रदेशे साक्षादवतारत्वेनापि तद्रूपो वर्तत इति ।

pīṭha-pūjāyāṁ bhagavad-dhāme śrī-guru-pādukā-pūjanam evaṁ saṅgacchate, yathā—ya eva bhagavān atra vyaṣṭi-rūpatayā bhaktāvatāratvena śrī-guru-rūpo vartate, sa eva tatra samaṣṭi-rūpatayā sva-vāma-pradeśe sākṣād-avatāratvenāpi tad-rūpo vartata iti |
(Bhakti Sandarbha: 286)

“Worshiping the shoes of śrī guru in Bhagavān’s dhāma during worship at the yogapīṭha is appropriate since the very Bhagavān who in an individual (vyaṣṭi) form as an avatāra as a bhakta exists in the form of śrī guru [i.e., the same Bhagavān who manifests as śrī guru, that is, in the form of a bhakta in a given sādhaka’s life] exists there [i.e., at the yogapīṭha in Śrī Bhagavān’s dhāma] at a spot to his own left in that form [i.e., in the form of a bhakta] also as a direct avatāra in collective (samaṣṭi) form [i.e., as an avatāra of himself manifest directly to his own left side in a form as a bhakta that functions as the totality of all gurus, that is, the form of śrī guru all worship at the yogapīṭha].”


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