नैतादृश: परो धर्मो नृणां सद्धर्ममिच्छताम् ।
न्यासो दण्डस्य भूतेषु मनोवाक्कायजस्य य: ॥
naitādṛśaḥ paro dharmo nṛṇāṁ sad-dharmam icchatām |
nyāso daṇḍasya bhūteṣu mano-vāk-kāyajasya yaḥ ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 7.15.8)
“For human beings who aspire to follow the highest dharma, there is no better dharma than this: giving up violence—caused by the mind, words, or the body—towards living beings.”