kapaṭa cāturī citte

By Śrī Candraśekhara Dāsa

কপট চাতুরী চিত্তে জন-মন ভুলাইতে
লইয়ে তোমার নামখানি ।
দাঁড়াইয়া সত্য-পথে অসত্য যজিয়ে তাথে
পরিণামে কি হবে না জানি ॥১॥

kapaṭa cāturī citte jana-mana bhulāite
la-iye tomāra nāma-khāni |
dā̐ḍāiyā satya-pathe asatya yajiye tāthe
pariṇāme ki habe nā jāni ||1||

Because of my cunning, deceitful mind,
To delude the minds of [common] people,
I take your names,
[Appear to] Stand on the path of truth,
And thereupon worship untruth.
What will happen [to me] in the end
I do not know.

Commentary: A variant of la-iye tomāra nāma-khāni given in the Gaura-pada-taraṅginī reads bāhye sadā japi nāma-khāni, “Externally I continously chant [your] names.”

ওহে নাথ, মো বড় অধম দুরাচার ।
সাধু-শাস্ত্র-গুরু-বাক্য না মানিলুঁ মুঞি ধিক্
অতয়ে সে না দেখি উদ্ধার ॥২॥

ohe nātha, mo baḍa adhama durācāra |
sādhu-śāstra-guru-vākya nā mānilu̐ muñi dhik
ataye se nā dekhi uddhāra ||2||

Ohe Nātha!
I am extremely lowly and ill-behaved.
I have not respected
The statements of the sādhus, the śāstra, and my guru.
Fie upon me!
Thus, I do not see that deliverance
[Which is assuredly attained by following them].

লোকে করে সত্য-বুদ্ধি মোর নাহি নিজ-শুদ্ধি
উদার হইয়া লোকে ভাঁড়ি ।
প্রেমভাব মোরে করে নিজ-গুণে তারা তরে
আপনি হইলুঁ ছোঁচ হাঁড়ি ॥৩॥

loke kare satya-buddhi mora nāhi nija-śuddhi
udāra ha-iyā loke bhā̐ḍi |
prema-bhāva more kare nija-guṇe tārā tare
āpani ha-ilu̐ cho̐ca hā̐ḍi ||3||

People think I am sincere.
[But actually] I have no purity of my own.
By [supposedly] becoming noble, I deceive people.
By fostering affection for me,
On account of their own virtue
They [i.e., the persons who respect me] cross over [saṁsāra].
I myself [however] have [merely] become an impure pot.

Commentary: A hā̐ḍi is a type of traditional clay pot used to cook rice. Strict standards of ritual purity in regard to grains cooked in water and the utensils used for doing so have long been a part of varṇāśrama and Vaiṣṇava society. Any pot that so happens to become contaminated in any way is considered unacceptable to be used for any further cooking and promptly thrown out. The author compares himself to a such a contaminated pot to convey that he feels himself to be so internally impure that he is fit to be rejected by the people who honor him as an exalted Vaiṣṇava and that he lacks the purity required to render service acceptable to Bhagavān.

চন্দ্রশেখর দাস এই মনে অভিলাষ
আর কি এমন দশা হব ।
গোরা-পরিষদসঙ্গে সংকীর্ত্তন-রস-রঙ্গে
আনন্দে দিব গোঙাইব ॥৪॥

candraśekhara dāsa ei mane abhilāṣa
āra ki emana daśā haba |
gorā-pariṣada-saṅge saṅkīrtana-rasa-raṅge
ānande diva goṅāiba ||4||

Candraśekhara Dāsa
Has this desire at heart:
Will such a state
Ever again come to be?
[I desire that] I shall spend my days blissfully
In the merriment of the rasa of saṅkīrtana
In the association of Gorā’s companions.

Commentary: By concluding the poem with a prayer to participate in saṅkīrtana in the company of Śrīman Mahāprabhu’s associates, the author expresses his heartfelt admiration for these associates, attests to the profound sincerity of their character and engagement in service to Bhagavān, and alludes to their capacity to purify even someone as depraved as the author feels himself to be.




Pada-kalpa-taru: 4.35.46 (3030)


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