काकचेष्टा बको ध्यानं श्वाननिद्रा तथैव च ।
स्वल्पाहारी गृहत्यागी विद्यार्थी पञ्चलक्षणः ॥

kāka-ceṣṭā bako dhyānaṁ śvāna-nidrā tathaiva ca |
svalpāhārī gṛha-tyāgī vidyārthī pañca-lakṣaṇaḥ ||
(Unknown source)

“The effort of a crow [i.e., making a perseverant endeavor], the concentration of a crane [i.e., patient and unwavering concentration focused on one’s major goal (the “big fish”) and not lesser matters (the “little fish” that are often seen around)], the sleep of a dog [i.e., falling asleep easily, sleeping for a short time, waking up quickly, and remaining alert even while asleep], being a light eater, and being a renouncer of the household [i.e., being content to live away from home and without all the comforts of home] are the five characteristics of a seeker of knowledge [i.e., a student].”


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