गोपीनां महिमा कश्चित्तासाम् एकोऽपि शक्यते ।
न मया स्वमुखे कर्तुं मेरुर्मक्षिकया यथा ॥

gopīnāṁ mahimā kaścit tāsām eko’pi śakyate |
na mayā svamukhe kartuṁ merur makṣikayā yathā ||
(Bṛhad Bhāgavatāmṛta: 1.7.156)

[Parīkṣit Mahārāja to Mother Uttarā:] “Even one particular greatness of those gopīs is not able to be uttered by me with my own mouth, just as [the greatness] of [Mount] Meru [cannot be swallowed] by a fly [with its own mouth].”


Śrī Sanātana Gosvāmīpāda comments Parīkṣit Mahārāja makes this statement because he finds in himself the inability to narrate even a little (svalpo’pi) of one of the gopīs’ glories as a result of feeling himself to lack the qualification to so do (mayā na śakyate ayogyatvenāśakteḥ).


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