
na vidyate yasya ca janma karma vā

na vidyate yasya ca janma karma vā
na nāma-rūpe guṇa-doṣa eva vā |
tathāpi lokāpyaya-sambhavāya yaḥ
sva-māyayā tāny anukālam ṛcchati ||
tasmai namaḥ pareśāya brahmaṇe’nanta-śaktaye |
arūpāyoru-rūpāya nama āścarya-karmaṇe ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 8.3.8–9)

“Obeisance unto the Supreme Īśa, unto Brahman, unto he possessed of unending potency, unto he who has no birth or action, no name or form, and no faults in the form of [material] qualities whatsoever, and who by means of his own māyā still accepts these [i.e., births, actions, names, forms, and qualities] perpetually for the sake of the dissolution and the attainment of the people. Obeisance unto he who has no [material] form, unto he who has an excellent [spiritual] form, unto he of astonishing action.”

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yan martya-līlaupayikaṁ svayoga

yan martya-līlaupayikaṁ svayoga-
māyā-balaṁ darśayatā gṛhītam |
vismāpanaṁ svasya ca saubhagardheḥ
paraṁ padaṁ bhūṣaṇa-bhūṣaṇāṅgam ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 3.2.12; cited in the Dig-darśinī-ṭīkā on Bṛhad Bhāgavatāmṛta: 2.5.108; Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 2.1.215; the Durgama-saṅgamanī-ṭīkā on Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 1.1.1, 2.5.108; Prīti Sandarbha: 80; Caitanya-caritāmṛta: 2.21.100)

“To show the power of his own yogamāyā, he [i.e., Śrī Kṛṣṇa] assumed [that form of his] which is suited to human [-like] līlā, which is astonishing even to himself, which is the apogee of the excellence of loveliness, and in which the limbs are the ornaments of the ornaments [upon them].”

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śaktiḥ kāraṇa-niṣṭhaḥ kāryotpādana-yogyo dharma-viśeṣaḥ

śaktiḥ kāraṇa-niṣṭhaḥ kāryotpādana-yogyo dharma-viśeṣaḥ, sa ca dharmaḥ pratibandhakādabhāvādi-rūpa-kāraṇatvātmakaḥ |
(Tattva-dīpikā: 4; cited in Nyāya-kośa)

“Śakti is the specific quality present in a cause of capability to generate an effect. That quality, furthermore, is of the nature of being a cause in the form of the absence of obstruction [to its generating an effect] and so forth.”

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na kevalaṁ śuddha-cittatvam eva yogyatā

na kevalaṁ śuddha-cittatvam eva yogyatā | kiṁ tarhi? tad-bhakti-viśeṣāviṣkṛta-tad-icchāmaya-tadīya-sva-prakāśatā-śakti-prakāśa eva mūla-rūpā sā, yat-prakāśena tad api niḥśeṣaṁ sidhyati | … tat-prakāśena niḥśeṣa-śuddha-cittatve siddhe, puruṣa-karaṇāni tadīya-sva-prakāśatā-śakti-tādātmyāpannatayaiva tat-prakāśatābhimānavanti syuḥ | tatra bhakti-viśeṣa-sāpekṣatvam uktam—‘tac-chraddadhānā munayaḥ’ ity ādau | tad-icchā-mayety ādy-udāharaṇaṁ ca brahma-bhagavator aviśeṣatayaiva dṛśyate | yathā satyavrataṁ prati śrī-matsya-deva-vākye—madīyaṁ mahimānaṁ ca paraṁ brahmeti śabditam | vetsyasy anugṛhītaṁ me sampraśnair vivṛtaṁ hṛdi || iti | tathaiva hi brahmāṇaṁ prati śrī-bhagavad-vākye—‘manīṣitānubhāvo’yaṁ mama lokāvalokanam’ iti | śrī-nārāyaṇādhyātme—nityāvyakto’pi bhagavān īkṣyate nija-śaktitaḥ | tām ṛte puṇḍarīkākṣaṁ kaḥ paśyetāmitaṁ prabhum || iti | śrutau ca—‘yam evaiṣa vṛṇute tena labhyas tasyaiṣa ātmā vivṛṇute tanuṁ svām’ iti |
(Prīti Sandarbha: 7)

“Not only purity of the citta alone is fitness [for direct experience (sākṣātkāra) of Śrī Bhagavān]. Then what [else is required]? Manifestation of his [i.e., Śrī Bhagavān’s] śakti of self-manifestation [alt., self-luminosity], which is revealed [in the citta] by a particular form of bhakti to him and constituted of his will, is the fundamental form [i.e., the fundamental cause of direct experience of him]—that [śakti] by manifestation of which this [i.e., purity of the citta] too is accomplished completely [i.e., since purification of the citta, without which experience of Śrī Bhagavān is impossible, is also reliant upon the purifying influence of Śrī Bhagavān’s svarūpa-śakti, it is all the more evident that his svarūpa-śakti, whereby he self-manifests himself, is the fundamental cause of directly experiencing him]. … When complete purity of the citta is effected by a manifestation of that [i.e., of the self-manifestation śakti of Śrī Bhagavān], then the means of a living being [i.e., the external means, viz., the external senses of seeing, hearing, and so forth, and the internal means, viz., the mind, intellect, ahaṅkāra, and citta], because of their having [then] acquired a state of oneness (tādātmya) with his śakti of self-manifestation, will become possessed of the notion of their being the illuminators of him [i.e., Śrī Bhagavān, even though Bhagavān’s own śakti working through them is the primary cause; this is to say that a person’s experience of Śrī Bhagavān will be felt by them to be similar to experiencing an object in the material world by means of the mind and senses even though this experience of Śrī Bhagavān is primarily being carried out by Śrī Bhagavān’s own śakti working through the mind and senses]. Dependence upon a specific form of bhakti in this regard [i.e., in regard to direct experience (sākṣātkāra) of Śrī Bhagavān taking place by means primarily of Bhagavān’s own potency of self-manifestation (sva-prakāśatā-śakti)] is stated [in SB 1.2.12], ‘The sages possessed of śraddhā see the Self (Ātmā) [i.e., the Paramātmā] within the self (ātmā) [i.e., the purified citta] by bhakti replete with knowledge (jñāna) and detachment (vairāgya) received through hearing [the Vedānta and so forth].‘ An illustration of [Bhagavān’s own potency of self-manifestation (sva-prakāśatā-śakti) being] Constituted of his will is also visible in regard to [direct experience of] Brahman and Bhagavān without distinction [between these two types of direct experience of the Para-tattva] as follows in the statement of Śrī Matsyadeva to Satyavrata [in SB 8.24.38], ‘And you will perceive my greatness, known as Parabrahman, favored [i.e., manifested] in [your] heart by me as it is described [by me] in response to [your] inquiries.’ Similarly in a statement of Śrī Bhagavān to Brahmā [in SB 2.9.21], ‘This vision of my abode [that you have had] is the result of my wish.’ And in Śrī Nārāyaṇa-adhyātma: ‘Although Bhagavān is eternally unmanifest, he can be seen by means of his own potency. Without that, who can see the unlimited Lord of lotus eyes?’ Also, in the Śruti [i.e., Kaṭha Upaniṣad 1.2.23], ‘He is attainable [i.e., able to be directly perceived] only by one whom he chooses. To him [who is so chosen] the Ātmā reveals his own form.’ Thus, even the requirement of purity of one’s means [i.e., senses] is to be understood to be only for the purpose of reflection of that potency [i.e., Bhagavān’s own potency of self-manifestation (sva-prakāśatā-śakti)].”

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atha śrutau—‘bhaktir evainaṁ nayati

atha śrutau—‘bhaktir evainaṁ nayati, bhaktir evainaṁ darśayati bhakti-vaśaḥ puruṣo bhaktir eva bhūyasī’ iti śrūyate | tasmād evaṁ vivicyate—yā caivaṁ bhagavantaṁ svānandena madayati, sā kiṁ-lakṣaṇā syāt? iti | … hlādiny-ākhya-tadīya-svarūpa-śakty-ānanda-rūpaiveti avaśiṣyate, yayā khalu bhagavān svarūpānandam anubhavati, yad-ānandenānanda-viśeṣī-bhavati, yayaivaṁ taṁ tam ānandam anyān apy anubhāvayatīti | … tasyā hlādinyā eva kāpi sarvānandātiśāyinī vṛttir nityaṁ bhakta-vṛndeṣv eva nikṣipyamāṇā bhagavat-prīty-ākhyayā vartate | atas tad-anubhavena śrī-bhagavān api śrīmad-bhakteṣu prīty-atiśayaṁ bhajata iti | ata eva tat-sukhena bhakta-bhagavatoḥ parasparam āveśam āha—sādhavo hṛdayaṁ mahyaṁ sādhūnāṁ hṛdayaṁ tv aham | mad-anyat te na jānanti nāhaṁ tebhyo manāg api || … atyantāveśenaikatāpattyā jvalal-lohādāv agni-vyapadeśavad atrāpy abheda-nirdeśa ity arthaḥ | tenaiva parasparaṁ vaśavartitvam āha—ajita jitaḥ sama-matibhiḥ sādhubhir bhavān jitātmabhir bhavatā | vijitās te’pi ca bhajatām akāmātmanāṁ ya ātmado’ti-karuṇaḥ ||
(Prīti Sandarbha: 65)

“Now, in the Śruti [i.e., Māṭhara-śruti], it is heard, ‘Bhakti certainly attracts him. Bhakti certainly reveals him. The Puruṣa is captivated by bhakti. Bhakti is certainly [thus] supreme.’ Therefore, the following is to be considered: what could be the character of that which in this way maddens Bhagavān with its own bliss? … Only the bliss aspect of his [i.e., Bhagavān’s] svarūpa-śakti, known as hlādinī—(1) by which Bhagavān verily experiences the bliss of his own nature (svarūpa), (2) by the bliss of which he becomes possessed of the particular bliss [i.e., by virtue of which he possesses bliss as an inherent attribute], and (3) by which he similarly causes others as well to experience bliss—remains [as an acceptable conclusion]. [Thus,] Some particular vṛtti of the hlādini [-śakti], abounding in all bliss and being eternally cast only into bhaktas, exists by the name of prīti for Bhagavān. Then, by experience thereof [i.e., by experience of this vṛtti of the hlādinī-śakti known as prīti, when it is expressed to Bhagavān by the bhaktas into whom Bhagavān has cast it], Śrī Bhagavān also feels pleasure in profusion from his beautiful bhaktas. Therefore, Śrī Bhagavān [in SB 9.4.63] describes the mutual absorption of the bhakta and Bhagavān [in one another that occurs] because of that happiness, ‘The sādhus are my heart, and I am the heart of the sādhus. They do not know anyone other than I, and I do not know anyone other than them in the least.’ … As a red-hot iron or another object is called fire because of an acquisition of oneness [with fire] as a result of extreme immersion [i.e., as a red-hot iron is sometimes referred to as fire because fire has become completely infused into it], here too a description of non-difference is made [i.e., Śrī Bhagavān says he is the heart of sādhus and they are his heart because their hearts have acquired a state of oneness as a result of the intense absorption of their hearts in one another produced by the joy of prīti for one another, that is, produced by the effect of the supreme vṛtti of Śrī Bhagavān’s hlādinī-śakti, viz., prīti, or prema-bhakti; the sādhus, however, are not literally Bhagavān’s heart, and Bhagavān is not literally the sādhus’ heart]. This is the meaning. Specifically because of this [i.e., because of the happiness and consequent mutual absorption felt by Śrī Bhagavān and his bhaktas by virtue of prīti], Citraketu describes their mutual captivation [of another in SB 6.16.34], ‘O Unconquerable One! You are conquered by sādhus [i.e., bhaktas] who are of equal mind and conquered heart, and they are also fully conquered by you, who are highly gracious and give yourself to those who perform worship with hearts free from [extraneous] desire.’”

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tad ekaṁ tattvaṁ svarūpa-bhūtayaiva śaktyā kam api viśeṣaṁ

tad ekaṁ tattvaṁ svarūpa-bhūtayaiva śaktyā kam api viśeṣaṁ dhartuṁ parāsām api śaktīnāṁ mūlāśraya-rūpaṁ, tad-anubhāvānanda-sandohāntarbhāvita-tādṛśa-brahmānandānāṁ bhāgavata-paramahaṁsānāṁ tathānubhavaika-sādhakatama-tadīya-svarūpānanda-śakti-viśeṣātmaka-bhakti-bhāviteṣv antar-bahir apīndriyeṣu parisphurad vā, tadvad vivikta-tādṛśa-śakti-śaktimattā-bhedena pratipādyamānaṁ vā bhagavān iti śabdyate | … evaṁ cānanda-mātraṁ viśeṣyaṁ, samastāḥ śaktayo viśeṣaṇāni, viśiṣṭo bhagavān ity āyātam | tathā caivaṁ vaiśiṣṭye prāpte pūrṇāvirbhāvatvenākhaṇḍa-tattva-rūpo’sau bhagavān | brahma tu sphuṭam aprakaṭita-vaiśiṣṭyākāratvena tasyaivāsamyag āvirbhāva ity āyātam |
(Bhagavat Sandarbha: 2–3)

“When the one [Absolute] Reality, which is by nature the fundamental shelter of [all] other śaktis, to manifest some type of [wonderful] specificity solely by means of its own inherent śakti, fully manifests to the internal and external senses of devoted transcendentalists (bhāgavata-paramahaṁsas), subsumed in whose [experience of an] abundance of bliss from experience thereof [i.e., of the Absolute Reality so manifest with specificity] is such [experience of the] bliss of Brahman, [and whose internal and external senses are] imbued with bhakti [which is] constituted of a specific inherent śakti of bliss thereof [i.e., of that Absolute Reality] that is singularly most effectual of such experience [of that Absolute Reality’s manifest specificity], or, when it as such is to be defined with discrimination between the distinction of [its] being [both] śakti and the possessor of śakti (śaktimat), it is known as Bhagavān. … In this way, furthermore, it is understood that bliss alone is the qualificand (viśeṣya), all śaktis are [its] qualifiers (viśeṣaṇas), and Bhagavān is the qualified entity (viśiṣṭa). Furthermore, when possessed of such specificity (vaiśiṣṭya), that undivided [Absolute] Reality is Bhagavān on account of being the complete manifestation [thereof], whereas Brahman, evidently, is an incomplete manifestation thereof on account of [its] being an appearance devoid of manifest specificity. This is understood.”

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tad ekam evākhaṇḍānanda-svarūpaṁ tattvaṁ thūtkṛta-pārameṣṭhyādikānanda-samudayānāṁ

tad ekam evākhaṇḍānanda-svarūpaṁ tattvaṁ thūtkṛta-pārameṣṭhyādikānanda-samudayānāṁ paramahaṁsānāṁ sādhana-vaśāt tādātmyam āpanne, satyām api tadīya-svarūpa-śakti-vaicitryāṁ tad-grahaṇāsāmarthye cetasi yathā sāmānyato lakṣitaṁ, tathaiva sphurad vā, tadvad evāvivikta-śakti-śaktimattā-bhedatayā pratipādyamānaṁ vā brahmeti śabdyate |
(Bhagavat Sandarbha: 2)

“When transcendentalists (paramahaṁsas) who have spat on the bliss of supremacy and so forth [i.e., all varieties of so-called happiness that exist throughout saṁsāra, including even that of Lord Brahmā, who holds the supreme position within the fourteen worlds] attain as a result of sādhana a state of identity (tādātmya) [i.e., a qualified degree of oneness based on cognitive self-identification] with the one [Absolute] Reality which is undivided and of the nature of bliss, or, when it [i.e., that Absolute Reality] manifests exactly as it is generally regarded [by them] in their minds that are unable to perceive the variegation of its inherent (svarūpa) śakti [i.e., when it manifests without any sort of specificity as non-differentiated consciousness apparently equivalent in nature to the self (ātmā) in response to their being cognitively fixed in a state of self-identification with that Absolute Reality as non-differentiated consciousness], or when it as such is to be defined without discrimination between its possessing the division of being [both] śakti and the possessor of śakti (śaktimat), it is known as Brahman.”

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tasya paramānandaika-rūpasya sva-parānandinī svarūpa-śaktir yā hlādinī-nāmnī vartate

tasya paramānandaika-rūpasya sva-parānandinī svarūpa-śaktir yā hlādinī-nāmnī vartate, prakāśa-vastunaḥ sva-para-prakāśana-śaktivat parama-vṛtti-rūpaivaiṣā | tāṁ ca bhagavān sva-vṛnde nikṣipann eva nityaṁ vartate | tat-sambandhena ca svayam atitarāṁ prīṇātīti | ata eva tasya prīti-rūpasyāpi bhakti-prīṇanīyatvam āha—yat-prīṇanād barhiṣi deva-tiryaṅ-manuṣya-vīrut-tṛṇam ā viriñcāt, prīyeta sadyaḥ sa ha viśva-jīvaḥ prītaḥ svayaṁ prītim agād gayasya |
(Bhakti Sandarbha: 142)

“Like the śakti [i.e.. capability] of a luminous object to illuminate itself and others, this [i.e., bhakti] is indeed the supreme vṛtti of the svarūpa-śakti of he who is the sole embodiment of supreme bliss [i.e., Bhagavān] which is the cause of bliss for himself and others and existent with the name hlādinī. Bhagavān perpetually casts this [i.e., bhakti, the supreme vṛtti, known as hlādinī, of his svarūpa-śakti] into his own group [i.e., his bhaktas], and by connection with that [i.e., by then receiving expressions of bhakti from his bhaktas] personally delights profusely. Therefore, Śrī Śukadeva describes his being able to be pleased by bhakti even though he is the embodiment of pleasure (prīti) [in SB 5.15.13], ‘He because of whose pleasure the devas, animals, human beings, and plants beginning with Brahmā immediately become pleased, [he who is] the very life of the universe, [and] pleasure himself [i.e., the very embodiment of pleasure], became pleased at the sacrifice of [King] Gaya [i.e., by the bhakti offered to him therein].’”

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parama-sāra-bhūtāyā api svarūpa-śakteḥ sāra-bhūtā hlādinī

parama-sāra-bhūtāyā api svarūpa-śakteḥ sāra-bhūtā hlādinī nāma yā vṛttiḥ, tasyā eva sāra-bhūto vṛtti-viśeṣo bhaktiḥ, sā ca raty-apara-paryāyā bhaktir bhagavati bhakte ca nikṣipta-nijobhaya-koṭiḥ sarvadā tiṣṭhati | ata evoktaṁ bhagavān bhakta-bhaktimān iti | tasmād bhaktasthayā tayā bhagavatas tṛptau, na svatas tṛptitā-hāniḥ | pratyuta śaktitvena svarūpato bhinnābhinnāyā api tasyāḥ, ye yathā māṁ prapadyante tāṁs tathaiva bhajāmy aham iti nyāyena bhakta-citta-sphuritāyā bheda-vṛtter iva sphuraṇāt, bhagavato māṁ hlādayaty asya bhaktir iti, ānanda-camatkārātiśayaś ca bhavati |
(Excerpt from Paramātma Sandarbha: 93)

“The particular vṛtti existent as the essence of the vṛtti which is named hlādinī and existent as the essence of [Bhagavān’s] svarūpa-śakti, which itself is existent as the supreme essence [of all of existence] is [called] bhakti [i.e., the most essential vṛtti of the hlādinī-vṛtti of the svarūpa-śakti is called bhakti], and that bhakti, a synonym of which is rati, dwells forever in Bhagavān and the bhakta, itself cast into both domains [i.e., into these two entities of distinct nature, namely, Bhagavān and his bhakta]. Therefore, it is said [in SB 10.86.59], ‘Bhagavān is he who possesses bhakti for his bhaktas.’ Thus, when Bhagavān’s satisfaction occurs because of that [i.e., bhakti] situated in his bhakta [i.e., because of something located outside of himself], there is no loss of his being self-satisfied. On the contrary, because of its [i.e., bhakti’s] manifesting [only] like a distinct vṛtti as a result of its manifesting in the heart of bhakta as per the reasoning [based on Śrī Bhagavān’s statement in BG 4.11], ‘As they approach me, so exactly I reciprocate with them,’ on account of its being both different and non-different from his [i.e., Bhagavān’s] svarūpa (nature) by virtue of [its] being his śakti, it also becomes a tremendous bliss and wonder for Bhagavān, such that [he feels], ‘His [i.e., my bhakta’s] bhakti delights me.’”

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mahāśakti-vilāsātmā bhāvo’cintya-svarūpa-bhāk

mahāśakti-vilāsātmā bhāvo’cintya-svarūpa-bhāk |
raty-ākhyā ity ayaṁ yukto na hi tarkeṇa bādhitum |
(Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 2.5.92)

“This bhāva, known as rati, by constitution an expression of the supreme potency [i.e., the hlādinī-śakti], and [thus] possessed of an inconceivable nature, is not fit to be assailed with argument.”

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