शक्तिः कारणनिष्ठः कार्योत्पादनयोग्यो धर्मविशेषः, स च धर्मः प्रतिबन्धकादभावादिरूप कारणत्वात्मकः ।

śaktiḥ kāraṇa-niṣṭhaḥ kāryotpādana-yogyo dharma-viśeṣaḥ, sa ca dharmaḥ pratibandhakādabhāvādi-rūpa-kāraṇatvātmakaḥ |
(Tattva-dīpikā: 4; cited in Nyāya-kośa)

“Śakti is the specific quality present in a cause of capability to generate an effect. That quality, furthermore, is of the nature of being a cause in the form of the absence of obstruction [to its generating an effect] and so forth.”


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