tad evaṁ prīter lakṣaṇaṁ citta-dravas tasya ca romaharṣādikam | kathañcij-jāte’pi citta-drave romaharṣādike vā na ced āśaya-śuddhis tadāpi na bhakteḥ samyag-āvirbhāva iti jñāpitam | āśaya-śuddhir nāma cānya-tātparya-parityāgaḥ prīti-tātparyaṁ ca |
(Krama-sandarbha-ṭīkā on Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 11.14.23; Prīti Sandarbha: 69)
“Thus, in this way, the [extrinsic (taṭastha)] characteristic of prīti is melting of the heart, and [the extrinsic characteristic] of that is horripilation and so forth [i.e., the other sāttvika-bhāvas]. Even when melting of the heart or horripilation and so forth occur to some extent, if purity of the heart (āśaya) has not come about, then still bhakti’s complete manifestation has not occurred. Such has been made known. Purity of the heart (āśaya) [i.e., citta] means abandonment of [all] other intentions [i.e., all desires and aims other than prīti], and intention upon [i.e., desire for and pursuit of] prīti.”
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