अनायासेन मरणं विना दैन्येन जीवनम् ।
अनाराधितगोविन्दचरणस्य कथं भवेत् ॥

anāyāsena maraṇaṁ vinā dainyena jīvanam |
anārādhita-govinda-caraṇasya kathaṁ bhavet ||
(Caitanya-bhāgavata: 1.7.136, 2.1.237)

“How can one by whom Govinda’s feet are not worshiped have a death without distress and a life without destitution?”


Jagannātha Miśra speaks this verse to Śacī Mātā and explains it as follows:

anāyāse maraṇa, jīvana dainya vine |
kṛṣṇa sevile se haya, nahe vidyā-dhane ||

“A death without distress and a life without destitution are had if one serves Kṛṣṇa, and not by knowledge or wealth.”

Śrīman Mahāprabhu also on occasion speaks this verse to Śacī Mātā and explains:

anāyāse maraṇa, jīvana duḥkha vine |
kṛṣṇa bhajile se haya kṛṣṇera smaraṇe ||

“A death without distress and a life without destitution are had if one serves Kṛṣṇa by remembrance of Kṛṣṇa.”


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