अनाराध्य राधापदाम्भोजरेणु-
मनाश्रित्य वृन्दाटवीं तत्पदाङ्काम् ।
असम्भाष्य तद्भावगम्भीरचित्तान्
कुतः श्यामसिन्धौ रस्यस्यावगाहः ॥

anārādhya rādhā-padāmbhoja-renum
anāśritya vṛndāṭavīṁ tat-padāṅkām |
asambhāṣya tad-bhāva-gambhīra-cittān
kutaḥ śyāma-sindhau rasyasyāvagāhaḥ ||
(Stavāvalī: Sva-saṅkalpa-prakāśa-stotra: 1)

“Without worshiping the pollen of the lotus of Śrī Rādhā, without taking shelter of Vṛndāvana, which bears her footprints, and without conversing with those whose hearts are deeply immersed in her bhāva, how can one swim in the rasa of the ocean of Śyāma?”


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