अलसो मन्दबुद्धिश्च सुखी च व्याधिपीडितः I
निद्रालुः कामुकश्चैव षडेते शास्त्रवर्जिताः II
alaso manda-buddhiś ca sukhī ca vyādhi-pīḍitaḥ |
nidrāluḥ kāmukaś caiva ṣaḍ ete śāstra-varjitāḥ ||
(Unknown source)
“The lazy, the dull-witted, the happy-go-lucky, those plagued by disease, the slumberous, and the lustful—these six are excluded by śāstra [i.e., they lack the qualifications needed to follow the teachings given in the śāstra and thus the teachings of the śāstra are not applicable to them; they will not attain the ideals taught in śāstra, and those who wish to attain such ideals should avoid their association].”
Alternate version
अलसो मन्दबुद्धिश्च सुखी च व्याधिपीडितः I
निद्रालुः कामुकश्चैव षडेते कर्मगर्हिताः II
alaso manda-buddhiś ca sukhī ca vyādhi-pīḍitaḥ |
nidrāluḥ kāmukaś caiva ṣaḍ ete karma-garhitāḥ ||
(Unknown source)
“The lazy, the weak-minded, the happy-go-lucky, those plagued by disease, the slumberous, and the lustful—these six are of despised action [i.e., actions censured in śāstra].”