ऐश्वर्यं तु नरलीलात्वस्यानपेक्षितत्वे सति ईश्वरत्वाविष्कारः । यथा मातापितरौ प्रति ऐश्वर्यं दर्शयित्वा—‘एतद्वां दर्शितं रूपं प्राग्जन्मस्मरणाय मे । नान्यथा मद्भवं ज्ञानं मर्त्यलिङ्गेन जायते’ इत्य् उक्तम् । यथार्जुनं प्रति—‘पश्य मे योगमैश्वरम्’ इत्युक्त्वा ऐश्वर्यं दर्शितम् । व्रजेऽपि ब्रह्माणं प्रति मञ्जुमहिमादर्शने परःसहस्रचतुर्भुजत्वादिकमपीति ॥

aiśvaryaṁ tu nara-līlātvasyānapekṣitatve sati īśvaratvāviṣkāraḥ | yathā mātā-pitarau prati aiśvaryaṁ darśayitvā—‘etad vāṁ darśitaṁ rūpaṁ prāg-janma-smaraṇāya me | nānyathā mad-bhavaṁ jñānaṁ martya-liṅgena jāyate’ ity uktam | yathārjunaṁ prati—‘paśya me yogam aiśvaram’ ity uktvā aiśvaryaṁ darśitam | vraje’pi brahmāṇaṁ prati mañju-mahimā-darśane paraḥ-sahasra-caturbhujatvādikam apīti ||
(Rāga-vartma-candrikā: 2.4)

“Manifestation [lit., ‘the uncovering’] of Īśvara-ness [i.e., the powerfulness inherent in Īśvara] while the nature of human līlā is being disregarded is [called] aiśvarya, as in the case when aiśvarya was shown to [Kṛṣṇa’s] mother and father [by him] and then it was stated [by him in SB 10.3.44], ‘This form [of mine] has been shown to you two for the sake of [your] remembrance of [my] previous births; otherwise, because of the mortal [i.e., human] figure [of this form in which I have now appeared], [your] awareness of my being [i.e., my identity] would not arise,’ as in the case when aiśvarya was shown [by Kṛṣṇa to Arjuna] after [his] saying to Arjuna, ‘See my Īśvaric yoga [i.e., see my extraordinary power to accomplish the impossible],’ and also even in Vraja [his showing] thousands of four-armed forms and so forth to Brahmā in the midst of the sight of his charming greatness [i.e., his mādhurya].”


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