ऐहिकामुष्मिकीचिन्ता न च कार्या कदाचन ।
ऐहिकं तु सदा भाव्यं पूर्वाचरितकर्मणाम् ॥
आमुष्मिकं तथा कृष्णः स्वयमेव करिष्यति ।
अतो हि तत्कृते त्याज्यः प्रयत्नः सर्वथा नरैः ॥
aihikāmuṣmikī-cintā na ca kāryā kadācana |
aihikaṁ tu sadā bhāvyaṁ pūrvācarita-karmaṇām ||
āmuṣmikaṁ tathā kṛṣṇaḥ svayam eva kariṣyati |
ato hi tat-kṛte tyājyaḥ prayatnaḥ sarvathā naraiḥ ||
(Sanat-kumāra-saṁhitā: 113–114)
“One should never worry about the here and now or the hereafter [i.e., about one’s future in this world or the next]. The here and now should always be considered the result of previously performed karma, and Kṛṣṇa himself will arrange the hereafter. Therefore, endeavor to do that [i.e., to effect a desirable afterlife] is to be given up completely by human beings [and instead one should endeavor only to serve and satisfy Kṛṣṇa].”