viśvasya yaḥ sthiti-layodbhava-hetur ādyo
yogeśvarair api duratyaya-yogamāyaḥ |
kṣemaṁ vidhāsyati sa no bhagavāṁs tryadhīśas
tatrāsmadīya-vimṛśena kiyān ihārthaḥ ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 3.16.37; cited in Bhakti Sandarbha: 236)
“[Brahmā concludes his address to the other devatās who are frighted because of the coming births of Hiraṇyakṣa and Hiraṇyakaśipu:] Bhagavān, he who is the cause of the perpetuation, dissolution, and generation of the universe, the master of the three [guṇas, alt., worlds], and the Original Being whose yogamāyā [i.e., divine power] is insurmountable even by masters of yoga, will bring about our well-being. How much use is there in our now deliberating over this? [i.e., there is really nothing to be gained from deliberating over or worrying about how we will fare even in the face of this eminent danger, since Bhagavān will surely do whatever is best for us in a way that may be even better than we presently have the ability to understand].”
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