ये त्वनेवंविदोऽसन्त: स्तब्धा: सदभिमानिन: ।
पशून् द्रुह्यन्ति विश्रब्धा: प्रेत्य खादन्ति ते च तान् ॥

ye tv anevaṁ-vido’santaḥ stabdhāḥ sad-abhimāninaḥ |
paśūn druhyanti viśrabdhāḥ pretya khādanti te ca tān ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 11.5.14)

“The ignorant, impious, and stubborn who consider themselves virtuous confidently kill animals, and those animals eat them in their next life.”


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