यत्र निष्कामधर्मनिर्मलचित्तः सत्प्रसङ्गलुब्धः श्रद्धालुः शान्त्यादिमानधिकारी । सम्बन्धो वाच्यवाचकभावः । विषयो निरवद्यो विशुद्धानन्तगुणगणोऽचिन्त्यानन्तशक्तिः सच्चिदानन्दः पुरुषोत्तमः । प्रयोजनं त्वशेषदोषविनाशपुरःसरस्तत्साक्षात्कार … ।

yatra niṣkāma-dharma-nirmala-cittaḥ sat-prasaṅga-lubdhaḥ śraddhāluḥ śānty-ādimān adhikārī | sambandho vācya-vācaka-bhāvaḥ | viṣayo niravadyo viśuddhānanta-guṇa-gaṇo’cintyānanta-śaktiḥ sac-cid-ānandaḥ puruṣottamaḥ | prayojanaṁ tv aśeṣa-doṣa-vināśa-puraḥsaras tat-sākṣātkāra … |
(Govinda-bhāṣya on Vedānta-sūtra: 1.1.1)

“… In which [i.e., in the Vedānta-sūtra], the bearer of eligibility (adhikārī) is a person who is of taintless heart by virtue of [engagement in] desireless dharma, is desirous of association with sādhus, is endowed with śraddhā [in the meaning of śāstra], and is possessed of tranquility and so forth [i.e., control of the mind, control of the senses, and other virtues]. The relation (sambandha) [of the text with its subject (viṣaya)] is of the nature of referent (vācya) and referrer (vācaka). The subject (viṣaya) is the irreproachable Supreme Person (Puruṣottama) constituted of eternal being, consciousness, and bliss and possessed of endless pure qualities and endless inconceivable potency. The aim (prayojana) is direct perception (sākṣātkāra) of him preceded by the disintegration of all faults.”


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