यत्पादाब्जनखाग्रकान्तिलवतो ह्यज्ञानमोहक्षयं
यत्कारुण्यकटाक्षतः स्वयमसौ श्रीगौरकृष्णो वशम् ।
यातीषद्भजनाच्च यस्य जगतां प्रेमेन्दुरन्तर्नभो
नौमि श्रीलगदाधरं तमतुलानन्दैककल्पद्रुमम् ॥
yat-pādābja-nakhāgra-kānti-lavato hy ajñāna-moha-kṣayaṁ
yat-kāruṇya-kaṭākṣataḥ svayam asau śrī-gaura-kṛṣṇo vaśam |
yātīṣad-bhajanāc ca yasya jagatāṁ premendur antarnabho
naumi śrīla-gadādharaṁ tam atulānandaika-kalpa-drumam ||
(Sādhanāmṛta-candrikā: 1.11)
“Ignorance and illusion are dispelled by just a particle of the effulgence of the tips of the nails of his lotus feet. Śrī Gaurakṛṣṇa himself is captivated by his sidelong glance of compassion. The moon of prema arises in the inner sky of [the hearts of] living beings by [even] a little service to him. I offer obeisance unto him, Śrīla Gadādhara, the preeminent desire-tree of incomparable bliss.”