वैराग्यं विधिरागभक्तिममलान्नानारसान्द्वादश
प्रेमानं व्रजवासिनां शुकमुखैर्विप्रर्षिभिः संस्तुतम् ।
गोपीनां परमां लसत्परमहाभावां समर्थां रतिं
राधायामिह मादनं वद सखे को वेत्ति रूपं विना ॥
vairāgyaṁ vidhi-rāga-bhaktim amalān nānā-rasān dvādaśa
premānaṁ vraja-vāsināṁ śuka-mukhair vipra-rṣibhiḥ saṁstutam |
gopīnāṁ paramāṁ lasat-para-mahābhāvāṁ samarthāṁ ratiṁ
rādhāyām iha mādanaṁ vada sakhe ko vetti rūpaṁ vinā ||
(Govardhana Bhaṭṭa Gosvāmī)
“O friend,
Pray tell,
Who here [i.e., in this world] would understand
Non-attachment (vairāgya),
Vidhi- and rāgā-bhakti [i.e., vaidhī- and rāgānugā-bhakti],
The twelve different taintless rasas,
The prema of the residents of Vraja
Highly praised by the learned seers led by Śuka,
The gopīs’ paramount samartha-rati
Which shines ultimately as mahābhāva,
Or the mādana [i.e., the mādanākhyā-mahābhāva, manifest] in Rādhā
Without Rūpa?”