कः श्रीभागवतस्य तत्त्वममलं बोद्धुं क्षमो भूतले
को वृन्दावनमाधुरीं कलयितुं वक्तुं च धत्ते मतिम् ।
गोष्ठेन्द्रामलरूपमद्भुततमं को वा नयेन्मानसं
श्रीमन्तं करुणाकरं गुणनिधिं रूपं सबन्धुं विना ॥

kaḥ śrī-bhāgavatasya tattvam amalaṁ boddhuṁ kṣamo bhūtale
ko vṛndāvana-mādhurīṁ kalayituṁ vaktuṁ ca dhatte matim |
goṣṭhendrāmala-rūpam adbhutatamaṁ ko vā nayen mānasaṁ
śrīmantaṁ karuṇākaraṁ guṇa-nidhiṁ rūpaṁ sabandhuṁ vinā ||
(Govardhana Bhaṭṭa Gosvāmī)

“Who on the surface of the earth
Is able to understand
The taintless truth of Śrīmad Bhāgavam,
Who can cause the intellect to grasp and describe
The sweetness of Vṛndāvana,
And who can fix the mind
On the supremely astonishing, taintless figure
Of [Śrī Kṛṣṇa,] the Prince of the cowherd dwelling,
Without the illustrious reservoir of compassion
And treasury of qualities,
Śrī Rūpa,
Along with his companions?”


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