सिंहासनस्य मध्ये श्रीगौरकृष्णं स्मरेत्ततः ।
दक्षिणे बलदेवं श्रीनित्यानन्दसुविग्रहम् ॥
वामे गदाधरं देवमानन्दशक्तिविग्रहम् ।
देवस्याग्रे कर्णिकायामद्वैतं विश्वपावनम् ॥
तद्दक्षिणे भक्तवर्यं श्रीवासं छत्रहस्तकम् ।
चतुर्दिक्षु महानन्दमयं भक्तगणं तथा ॥

siṁhāsanasya madhye śrī-gaura-kṛṣṇaṁ smaret tataḥ |
dakṣiṇe baladevaṁ śrī-nityānanda-suvigraham ||
vāme gadādharaṁ devam ānanda-śakti-vigraham |
devasyāgre karṇikāyām advaitaṁ viśva-pāvanam ||
tad-dakṣiṇe bhakta-varyaṁ śrīvāsaṁ chatra-hastakam |
caturdikṣu mahānandamayaṁ bhakta-gaṇaṁ tathā ||
(Caitanyārcana-candrikā; cited in Sādhanāmṛta-candrikā: 2.8)

“Remember Śrī Gaurakṛṣṇa upon the siṁhāsana, and then on the right [of him] the fine figure of Śrī Nityānanda, who is Baladeva [himself], on the left [of Gaurakṛṣṇa] Gadādharadeva, the figure of the ānanda-śakti, in front of Deva [i.e., Gaurakṛṣṇa] in the whorl Advaita, the purifier of the universe, to his [i.e., Advaita’s] right the foremost of the bhaktas, Śrīvāsa, holding a parasol in hand, and in the four directions bhaktas full of great bliss.”


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