सौहृदे वै षड्गुणा वेदितव्याः
प्रिये हृष्यन्त्यप्रिये च व्यथन्ते ।
स्यादात्मनः सुचिरं याचते यो
ददात्ययाच्यमपि देयं खलु स्यात् ॥
इष्टान्पुत्रान्विभवान्स्वांश्च दारा-
नभ्यर्थितश्चार्हति शुद्धभावः ।
त्यक्तद्रव्यः संवसेन्नेह कामा-
द्भुङ्क्ते कर्म स्वाशिषं बाधते च ॥

sauhṛde vai ṣaḍ-guṇā veditavyāḥ
priye hṛṣyanty apriye ca vyathante |
syād ātmanaḥ suciraṁ yācate yo
dadāty ayācyam api deyaṁ khalu syāt ||
iṣṭān putrān vibhavān svāṁś ca dārān
abhyarthitaś cārhati śuddha-bhāvaḥ |
tyakta-dravyaḥ saṁvasen neha kāmād
bhuṅkte karma svāśiṣaṁ bādhate ca ||
(Mahābhārata: Udyoga-parva: 45.12)

“Friendship should be know to have six qualities: (1) friends are delighted in that which is pleasing [to their friends] and (2) are troubled by that which is displeasing [to them]. (3) When a friend requests something that has long been one’s own, a friend gives that [to a friend] and considers even something that should not be requested fit to be given. (4) A friend, being of pure disposition, considers even his dear sons, property, self, and wives fit to be given [to a friend] when requested. (5) A friend does not live together with a friend to whom he has given his property out of desire for it and rather subsists on his own work. (6) A friend can neglect his own wishes [for the sake of a friend].”


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