सा च तत्तच्छास्त्रार्थे दृढप्रत्ययमयी, प्रक्रम्यमाणयत्नैकनिदानरूपतद्विषयकत्वैकनिर्वाहरूपसादरस्पृहा च ।

sā ca tat-tac-chāstrārthe dṛḍha-pratyayamayī, prakramyamāṇa-yatnaika-nidāna-rūpa-tad-viṣayakatvaika-nirvāha-rūpa-sādara-spṛhā ca |
(Mādhurya-kādambinī: 2.5)

“It [i.e., śraddhā] is made up of firm conviction in the meaning of those śāstras [i.e., the bhakti-śāstras], and is adoring desire that in form is a singular flow related to them that in form is the sole cause of progressive endeavor [for the object taught in the bhakti-śāstras].”


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