प्राणिनां पुनर्मूलमाहारो बलवर्णौजसां च ।
prāṇināṁ punar mūlam āhāro bala-varṇaujasāṁ ca |
(Śuśruta-saṁhitā: Sūtra-sthāna, 1.28)
“Food, moreover, is the cause of the strength, complexion, and vitality of all living beings.”
प्राणिनां पुनर्मूलमाहारो बलवर्णौजसां च ।
prāṇināṁ punar mūlam āhāro bala-varṇaujasāṁ ca |
(Śuśruta-saṁhitā: Sūtra-sthāna, 1.28)
“Food, moreover, is the cause of the strength, complexion, and vitality of all living beings.”