प्रकृत्याश्रितं प्रकृतावपि पूर्वपूर्वमन्तरङ्गं, प्रकृतेर्बहिराश्रितं बहिरङ्गम्, स्वल्पाश्रितमन्तरङ्गं, बह्वाश्रितं बहिरङ्गम्, अन्तरङ्गबहिरङ्गयोरन्तरङ्गो विधिर्बलवानिति ।
prakṛty-āśritaṁ prakṛtāv api pūrva-pūrvam antaraṅgaṁ, prakṛter bahir-āśritaṁ bahiraṅgam, svalpāśritam antaraṅgaṁ, bahv-āśritaṁ bahiraṅgam, antaraṅga-bahiraṅgayor antaraṅgo vidhir balavān iti |
(Vṛtti on Hari-nāmāmṛta-vyākaraṇa: 211)
“A rule that applies to the prakṛti and among such rules that apply to the prakṛti those that are respectively earlier are [called] antaraṅga; a rule that applies outside of the prakṛti is [called] bahiraṅga; a rule that applies in fewer cases is [called] antaraṅga, and a rule that applies in more cases is [called] bahiraṅga; and between an antaraṅga rule and a bahiraṅga rule, the antaraṅga rule is stronger.”