निन्दन्तं पुलकोत्करेण विकसन्नीपप्रसूनच्छविं
प्रोर्ध्वीकृत्यभुजद्वयं हरि हरीत्युच्चैर्वदन्तं मुहुः ।
नृत्यन्तं द्रुतमश्रुनिर्झरचयैः सिञ्चन्तमूर्वीतलं
गायन्तं निजपार्षदैः परिवृतं श्रीगौरचन्द्रं नुमः ॥
nindantaṁ pulakotkareṇa vikasan-nīpa-prasūna-cchaviṁ
prordhvī-kṛtya-bhuja-dvayaṁ hari harīty uccair vadantaṁ muhuḥ |
nṛtyantaṁ drutam aśru-nirjhara-cayaiḥ siñcantam ūrvī-talaṁ
gāyantaṁ nija-pārṣadaiḥ parivṛtaṁ śrī-gauracandraṁ numaḥ ||
(Rādhā-rasa-sudhā-nidhi: 1)
“His raised bodily hairs surpass the beauty of blooming kadamba flowers. With arms upraised, he loudly calls out, ‘Hari!’ ‘Hari!’ again and again. He dances nimbly and showers the surface of the earth with streams of tears as he sings surrounded by his associates. Let us glorify Śrī Gauracandra.”