हस्तस्पर्शो हि मातृणामजलस्य जलाञ्जलि: ।
hasta-sparśo hi mātṝṇām ajalasya jalāñjaliḥ |
(Pratimāna-nāṭaka: 3.12)
“The touch of mothers’ hands is [like] a palmful of water for one deprived of water [i.e., for the parched].”
हस्तस्पर्शो हि मातृणामजलस्य जलाञ्जलि: ।
hasta-sparśo hi mātṝṇām ajalasya jalāñjaliḥ |
(Pratimāna-nāṭaka: 3.12)
“The touch of mothers’ hands is [like] a palmful of water for one deprived of water [i.e., for the parched].”