Hari-nāma-ratnam (Nāma-kaivalya-śatakam)
The Jewel of the Name of Hari
By Śrīyukta Nīlakānta Gosvāmī Bhāgavatācārya
The source used for this composition is a book published in 1916 entitled Pañca-ratnam, “Five Jewels,” wherein, the author, a late nineteenth and early twentieth-century descendant of an associate of Śrīman Mahāprabhu and highly renowned writer and lecturer, presents a collection of five Sanskrit śatakams of his own composition:
- Mātṛ-ratnam: “The Jewel of Mother”
- Guru-ratnam: “The Jewel of Guru”
- Dharma-ratnam: “The Jewel of Dharma”
- Viveka-ratnam: “The Jewel of Discernment”
- Hari-nāma-ratnam: “The Jewel of the Name of Hari”
The text also includes an additional piece entitled Gaura-śatakam: “A Hundred Verses in Praise of Gaura.”
According a review in a July 1895 edition of the Sajjana-toṣaṇī pātrika (7.4), the piece entitled Hari-nāma-ratnam was originally entitled the Nāma-kaivalya-śatakam: “One hundred verses in praise of the uniqueness of the name of Hari.” The poem echoes in the last foot of each verse a foot from a well-known verse of the Brahma-vairvarta Purāṇa that Śrīman Mahāraprabhu is known to have cited and explained: Harer nāmaiva kevalam: “Certainly the name of Hari alone ….” The aim of the poem is evidently to stress this teaching of the śāstra propagated by Śrīman Mahāprabhu by emphasizing from numerous different perspectives the meaning, value, urgency, and ideal manner of engaging in bhakti to Bhagavān Śrī Hari by means of hearing, chanting, and remembering his name.
In the translation of the text presented here, an attempt has been made to replicate in English the stylistic repetition of the foot Harer nāmaiva kevalam in the last line of each verse even though this leaves the English reading stilted in some cases and the active voicing of a few of the verbs in the text have had to be rendered in the passive voice.
Verses 11, 39, 50, 62, 77, 89, 99, and 57 of this śatakam (in that order) make up the content of a “Kevalāṣṭakam” that is often circulated without authorial attribution.
The author, Śrīyukta Nīlakānta Gosvāmī Bhāgavatācārya (1843–1927), was a descendant of Śrī Rāmāi Ṭhākura (aka Rāmacandra Gosvāmī), the adopted son of Śrī Nityānanda-śakti Mā Jāhnavā Devī. He was born in Boinchi Gram, a village located roughly seventy-five kilometers northwest of Kolkata and forty-five kilometers southwest of Śrī Navadvīpa Dhāma, where a branch of Śrī Rāmāi Ṭhākura’s descendants have lived for generations. He was raised in the midst of the family’s long-established and widely known temple, the Śrī Śrī Rādhā-Vallabha Jīu Mandira. When he reached college age, he studied Sanskrit and Indian philosophy at Kolkata Sanskrit College and then Śrīmad Bhāgavatam under Vaiṣṇavācārya Śrī Śyāma Lāla Gosvāmī. He was later awarded the titles ‘Ācārya’ and ‘Bhāgavatācārya’ by the Viśva Vaiṣṇava Sabhā based on Kaluṭolā Sarkāra Lane in Kolkata. In time, he became a highly respected speaker on Gauḍīya–Vaiṣṇava-dharma, Śrīmad Bhagavad-gītā, Śrīmad Bhāgavatam, and Bhāratīya śāstra and sādhana in general. He delivered lectures in many prestigious assemblies and received accolades from numerous highly accomplished scholars of his time. He went on to write articles for numerous periodicals and compose numerous works in Sanskrit and Bengali. Most notable are his (1) Śrī Kṛṣṇa-līlāmṛta, a re-telling of the Tenth Canto of Śrīmad Bhāgavatam in Sanskrit poetry accompanied by an expanded Bengali explanation; his (2) Śrī Kṛṣṇa-rāsa-līlā, a Sanskrit anvaya and Bengali translation of the Rāsa-pañcādhyāyī of Śrīmad Bhāgavatam accompanied by an extended explanation based on the commentaries of Śrī Śrīdhara Svāmīpāda, Śrī Sanātana Gosvāmīpāda, Śrī Jīva Gosvāmīpāda, and Śrī Viśvanātha Cakravartīpāda; and his (3) publication of Śrīmad Bhagavad-gītā with his own Sanskrit anvaya and Bengali translation accompanied by Śrī Śrīdhara Svāmīpāda’s commentary and an extended Bengali prose explanation. Throughout his life, he resided in Kolkata a number of times for years on end, and he spent the remainder of his time, including his final days, in his native Boinchi Gram, where he served as the chief sevaite of his family’s Rādhā-Vallabha deities and fully renovated their ancient temple.
“The Jewel of the Name of Hari”
वेदामरतरूद्भूतमपूर्वामृतसम्भृतम् ।
फलमानन्दचिद्रूपं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥१॥
vedāmara-tarūdbhūtam apūrvāmṛta-sambhṛtam |
phalam ānanda-cid-rūpaṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||1||
The fruit,
Consciousness and bliss in form,
Produced by the immortal tree of the Vedas,
Laden with extraordinary nectar,
Is the name of Hari alone.
बीजं यत्सर्ववेदानां त्रिवृत्प्रणव उच्यते ।
तस्यापि बीजभूतं हि हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥२॥
bījaṁ yat sarva-vedānāṁ trivṛt praṇava ucyate |
tasyāpi bīja-bhūtaṁ hi harer nāmaiva kevalam ||2||
The original seed
Of even that which is known
As the seed of all the Vedas—
The threefold praṇava [i.e., “Om”]—
Is the name of Hari alone.
गायत्र्या गीयते यत्तद्यो भर्गो इति शब्दतः ।
तात्पर्येण तदेवैतद्धरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥३॥
gāyatryā gīyate yat tad yo bhargo iti śabdataḥ |
tātparyeṇa tad evaitad dharer nāmaiva kevalam ||3||
That which is sung of
By the gāyatrī [-mantra]
With the word bhargo—
That in essence (tātparya),
Is this name of Hari alone.
पुराणे चागमे तन्त्रे मन्त्रे च भारते तथा ।
सर्वत्र सर्वदा गीतं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥४॥
purāṇe cāgame tantre mantre ca bhārate tathā |
sarvatra sarvadā gītaṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||4||
Sung everywhere and always
Throughout the Purāṇas, Āgamas,
Tantras, Mantras, and Mahābhārata,
Is the name of Hari alone.
सर्वदेवाभिधाः शश्वत्सरितः सागरं यथा ।
तथा तदभिधावन्ति हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥५॥
sarva-devābhidhāḥ śaśvat saritaḥ sāgaraṁ yathā |
tathā tad abhidhāvanti harer nāmaiva kevalam ||5||
As rivers always run to the ocean,
So that to which the names
Of all the devas always run,
Is the name of Hari alone.
असारे भवसंसारे सारभूतं सनातनम् ।
सर्वकामप्रदं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥६॥
asāre bhava-saṁsāre sāra-bhūtaṁ sanātanam |
sarva-kāma-pradaṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||6||
The eternal, original essence (sāra)
In the [otherwise] essenceless (asāra) world (saṁsāra) of material existence,
The fulfiller of all desires,
Is the name of Hari alone.
रञ्जनं सर्वचित्तानां भञ्जनं पापभूभृताम् ।
गञ्जनं चित्रभोगानां हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥७॥
rañjanaṁ sarva-cittānāṁ bhañjanaṁ pāpa-bhūbhṛtām |
gañjanaṁ citra-bhogānāṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||7||
The delighter of all hearts,
The demolisher of mountains of sin,
The belittler of [even] wonderful enjoyments,
Is the name of Hari alone.
शाक्तवैष्णवगाणेशसौरशैवाश्च साधकाः ।
नामभेदेन गायन्ति हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥८॥
śākta-vaiṣṇava-gāṇeśa-saura-śaivāś ca sādhakāḥ |
nāma-bhedena gāyanti harer nāmaiva kevalam ||8||
Śākta, Vaiṣṇava, Gāṇeśa,
Saura, and Śaiva sādhakas
Sing with different names,
The name of Hari alone.
दारापत्यसुहृत्प्राणदेहगेहसमन्वितम् ।
विश्वं विनाशि सत्यं हि हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥९॥
dārāpatya-suhṛt-prāṇa-deha-geha-samanvitam |
viśvaṁ vināśi satyaṁ hi harer nāmaiva kevalam ||9||
The world—
Containing one’s wife, children, prāṇas, body, and home—
Is perishable.
The reality,
Is the name of Hari alone.
योगयागतपोज्ञानस्नानदानसुकर्मणाम् ।
सर्वेषामभिलक्ष्यं हि हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥१०॥
yoga-yāga-tapo-jñāna-snāna-dāna-sukarmaṇām |
sarveṣām abhilakṣyaṁ hi harer nāmaiva kevalam ||10||
The ultimate aim
Of all yoga, sacrifice, austerity,
Knowledge (jñāna), bathing, charity,
And [other] meritorious activities,
Is the name of Hari alone.
मधुरं मधुरेभ्योऽपि मङ्गलेभ्योऽपि मङ्गलम् ।
पावनं पावनेभ्योऽपि हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥११॥
madhuraṁ madhurebhyo‘pi maṅgalebhyo‘pi maṅgalam |
pāvanaṁ pāvanebhyo‘pi harer nāmaiva kevalam ||11||
Sweet more so than even all else that is sweet,
Auspicious more so than even all else that is auspicious,
Purifying more so than even all that else that is purifying,
Is the name of Hari alone.
भवबन्धविमुक्तोऽपि नारदो मुनिसत्तमः ।
गायन्नटति हर्षेण हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥१२॥
bhava-bandha-vimukto’pi nārado muni-sattamaḥ |
gāyan naṭati harṣeṇa harer nāmaiva kevalam ||12||
Although fully liberated
From the bondage of material existence,
The foremost of sages,
Sings and dances with delight,
The name of Hari alone.
युक्तमुक्तं सुधीवृन्दैः सारमाहृत्य सर्वतः ।
हरेर्नाम हरे नाम हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥१३॥
yuktam uktaṁ sudhī-vṛndaiḥ sāram āhṛtya sarvataḥ |
harer nāma hare nāma harer nāmaiva kevalam ||13||
The rightful stated essence
Collected by the wise
From everywhere [throughout the śāstras]
Is the name of Hari,
The name of Hari,
The name of Hari alone.
प्रबलं बलवद्भ्योऽपि दुर्बलानां परं बलम् ।
सम्बलं भवपान्थानां हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥१४॥
prabalaṁ balavadbhyo’pi durbalānāṁ paraṁ balam |
sambalaṁ bhava-pānthānāṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||14||
Strong more so than even all else possessed of strength,
The great strength of those [otherwise] devoid of strength,
And the provisions for those on the path of material existence,
Is the name of Hari alone.
को वा कस्य भवेद्बन्धुः सर्वः स्वार्थं समीहते ।
निरुपाधिसुहृन्नित्यं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥१५॥
ko vā kasya bhaved bandhuḥ sarvaḥ svārthaṁ samīhate |
nirupādhi-suhṛn nityaṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||15||
Who can be anyone’s [true] friend [in saṁsāra]?
Everyone is striving for their own interest.
The unconditional friend [of all] forever,
Is the name of Hari alone.
सम्पत्सु स्वजनाः सर्वे विपत्सु विमुखाः सदा ।
सम्पदापत्सु मित्रं हि हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥१६॥
sampatsu svajanāḥ sarve vipatsu vimukhāḥ sadā |
sampad-āpatsu mitraṁ hi harer nāmaiva kevalam ||16||
In prosperity, everyone is a relative.
In adversity, everyone is always averse.
The true friend in prosperity and adversity,
Is the name of Hari alone.
यदि नित्यसुखे वाञ्छा यदि वाञ्छा भवक्षये ।
सानुरागं तदा गेयं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥१७॥
yadi nitya-sukhe vāñchā yadi vāñchā bhava-kṣaye |
sānurāgaṁ tadā geyaṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||17||
If you want eternal happiness,
And if you want the cessation of material existence,
Then to be sung with love (anurāga),
Is the name of Hari alone.
बोधकं सर्वतत्त्वानां रोधकं सकलैनसाम् ।
शोधकं सर्वचित्तानां हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥१८॥
bodhakaṁ sarva-tattvānāṁ rodhakaṁ sakalainasām |
śodhakaṁ sarva-cittānāṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||18||
The conveyor of all truths,
The stopper of all sins [alt., misfortunes, sorrows],
The cleanser of all hearts,
Is the name of Hari alone.
स एव मानवो लोके स एव च सुपण्डितः ।
रसानायं सदा यस्य हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥१९॥
sa eva mānavo loke sa eva ca supaṇḍitaḥ |
rasānāyaṁ sadā yasya harer nāmaiva kevalam ||19||
Only he is a human being in this world,
And only he is truly wise,
On whose tongue is always present,
The name of Hari alone.
न पण्डितः पण्डितोऽपि मानवोऽपि न मानवः ।
रसनायां न यस्यास्ति हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥२०॥
na paṇḍitaḥ paṇḍito’pi mānavo’pi na mānavaḥ |
rasanāyāṁ na yasyāsti harer nāmaiva kevalam ||20||
Although wise, he is not wise,
And although a human being, he is not a human being,
On whose tongue is not present,
The name of Hari alone.
अज्ञानतमसाच्छन्ने रिपुचौरावृते भवे ।
रत्नदीपायते नित्यं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥२१॥
ajñāna-tamasācchanne ripu-caurāvṛte bhave |
ratna-dīpāyate nityaṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||21||
In material existence,
Which is covered by the darkness of ignorance
And filled with enemies and thieves,
Appearing as the shining jewel,
Is the name of Hari alone.
विभीषणं भस्यापि कामस्यापि विमोहनम् ।
लोभस्य लोभनं चित्रं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥२२॥
vibhīṣaṇaṁ bhasyāpi kāmasyāpi vimohanam |
lobhasya lobhanaṁ citraṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||22||
Frightening even to fear,
Bewildering even to desire (kāma),
Alluring even to greed,
Is the name of Hari alone.
फलं यद्ध्यानतो लभ्यं यज्ञार्च्चाभ्याञ्च यत्फलम् ।
तत्सर्वं प्रददात्येव हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥२३॥
phalaṁ yad dhyānato labhyaṁ yajñārccābhyāñ ca yat phalam |
tat sarvaṁ pradadāty eva harer nāmaiva kevalam ||23||
The result which is to be attained by meditation,
And the result [to be attained] by sacrifice (yajña) and worship (arcana)—
Verily all of that is bestowed,
By the name of Hari alone.
देशकालाद्यपेक्षास्ति सर्वसत्कर्मसाधने ।
निरपेक्षमिदम्विद्धि हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥२४॥
deśa-kālādy-apekṣāsti sarva-sat-karma-sādhane |
nirapekṣam idam viddhi harer nāmaiva kevalam ||24||
In the performance of all meritorious acts,
There is dependence on time, place, and so forth.
Know this to be independent [of all else in its ability to bestow results]:
The name of Hari alone.
यस्यां तस्यामवस्थायां यत्र तत्र यदा तदा ।
प्रजप्तं शक्यते सर्वैर्हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥२५॥
yasyāṁ tasyām avasthāyāṁ yatra tatra yadā tadā |
prajaptaṁ śakyate sarvair harer nāmaiva kevalam ||25||
In any condition,
And at any time,
Able to be chanted by all
Is the name of Hari alone.
श्रवणीयमिदम्शश्वत्कीर्तनीयमिदं सदा ।
स्मरणीयमिदं नित्यं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥२६॥
śravaṇīyam idam śaśvat kīrtanīyam idaṁ sadā |
smaraṇīyam idaṁ nityaṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||26||
This is to be heard always,
This is to be chanted continuously,
This is to be remembered forever:
The name of Hari alone.
एकैकविषयो भौम एकैकेन्द्रियतर्पणः ।
सर्वाक्षतर्पणन्तु एकं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥२७॥
ekaika-viṣayo bhauma ekaikendriya-tarpaṇaḥ |
sarvākṣa-tarpaṇan tu ekaṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||27||
Particular objects are, for the most part,
Satisfying to particular senses
One, however, is satisfying to all the senses:
The name of Hari alone.
नास्ति तथाविधो रोगो नास्ति शोकस्तथाविधः ।
यं न नाशयति ह्येकं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥२८॥
nāsti tathāvidho rogo nāsti śokas tathāvidhaḥ |
yaṁ na nāśayati hy ekaṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||28||
There is no such disease,
And there is no such sorrow,
Which is is not dispelled,
By one name of Hari alone.
देवतानामिदं हव्यं पितॄणां कव्य मुत्तमम् ।
मर्त्यानाममृतञ्चान्नं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥२९॥
devatānām idaṁ havyaṁ pitṝṇāṁ kavya muttamam |
martyānām amṛtañ cānnaṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||29||
This is the oblation for the devatās,
The most excellent offering for the pitṛs,
And the food and nectar for mortals:
The name of Hari alone.
अपारे भवकान्तारे रिपुशार्दूलसङ्कुले ।
शरणं भयशून्यं हि हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥३०॥
apāre bhava-kāntāre ripu-śārdūla-saṅkule |
śaraṇaṁ bhaya-śūnyaṁ hi harer nāmaiva kevalam ||30||
In this endless forest of material existence
Infested with tigers and enemies,
The only shelter free from fear,
Is the name of Hari alone.
प्राकृतं नाममात्रं हि द्विरावृत्त्या पुरातनम् ।
शतावृत्त्या नवं भाति हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥३१॥
prākṛtaṁ nāma-mātraṁ hi dvir āvṛttyā purātanam |
śatāvṛttyā navaṁ bhāti harer nāmaiva kevalam ||31||
A mere material name
Is old after two recitations.
After hundreds of recitations,
Shines anew [however],
The name of Hari alone.
नामैव परमो यज्ञो नामैव परमं तपः ।
ज्ञानं यत्परं लोके हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥३२॥
nāmaiva paramo yajño nāmaiva paramaṁ tapaḥ |
jñānaṁ yat paraṁ loke harer nāmaiva kevalam ||32||
Only the name is the supreme sacrifice.
Only the name is the supreme austerity.
That which is superior in the world [even] to knowledge (jñāna),
Is the name of Hari alone.
नामैव तान्त्रिकी सन्ध्या नामैव वैदिकी तथा ।
यदन्यत्करणीयञ्च हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥३३॥
nāmaiva tāntrikī sandhyā nāmaiva vaidikī tathā |
yad anyat karaṇīyañ ca harer nāmaiva kevalam ||33||
Only the name is the Tantric sandhyā.
Similarly, only the name is the Vedic sandhyā.
Moreover, whatever else is to be performed,
Is the name of Hari alone.
धर्मदं धर्मकामस्य कामकामस्य कामदम् ।
अर्थदञ्चार्थकामस्य हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥३४॥
dharmadaṁ dharma-kāmasya kāma-kāmasya kāmadam |
arthadañ cārtha-kāmasya harer nāmaiva kevalam ||34||
A desirer of dharma’s bestower of dharma,
A desirer of kāma’s bestower of kāma,
And a desirer of artha’s bestower of artha,
Is the name of Hari alone.
मुक्तिदाम्मुक्तिकामस्य निष्कामस्य सदात्मदम् ।
तद्वदान्यतमं लोके हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥३५॥
muktidām mukti-kāmasya niṣkāmasya sad-ātmadam |
tad vadānyatamaṁ loke harer nāmaiva kevalam ||35||
A desirer of mukti’s bestower of mukti,
A desireless person’s bestower of a pure self,
That which is most munificent in the world,
Is the name of Hari alone.
वर्णाश्रमविभागेन ये ये धर्मो निरूपिताः ।
तत्सर्वेषां शिरोरत्नं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥३६॥
varṇāśrama-vibhāgena ye ye dharmo nirūpitāḥ |
tat-sarveṣāṁ śiroratnaṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||36||
The crest-jewel of all the dharmas
Established for the divisions
Of the varṇas and āśramas,
Is the name of Hari alone.
जीवनं सफलं तर्हि धर्मोऽपि सफलस्तदा ।
रसनायां यदा नृत्येद्धरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥३७॥
jīvanaṁ saphalaṁ tarhi dharmo’pi saphalas tadā |
rasanāyāṁ yadā nṛtyed dharer nāmaiva kevalam ||37||
Life is successful then,
And dharma too is successful then,
When there shall be dancing upon the tongue,
By the name of Hari alone.
ज्ञानदण्डेन संमथ्य सुधीभिर्भवसागरम् ।
नवनीतं बहिर्नीतं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥३८॥
jñāna-daṇḍena saṁmathya sudhībhir bhava-sāgaram |
navanītaṁ bahir nītaṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||38||
When the ocean of material existence is fully churned
With the rod of knowledge by the wise,
The fresh butter brought out,
Is the name of Hari alone.
आब्रह्मास्तम्बपर्यन्तं सर्वं मायामयं जगत्।
सत्यं सत्यं पुनः सत्यं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥३९॥
ābrahmā-stamba-paryantaṁ sarvaṁ māyāmayaṁ jagat |
satyaṁ satyaṁ punaḥ satyaṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||39||
The entire universe,
From Brahmā down to a clump of grass,
Is made of māyā
Reality, reality, again, reality,
Is the name of Hari alone.
सुधियः सर्वकार्याणि कुर्वन्तो बहिरिन्द्रियैः ।
जपन्ति मनसा नित्यं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥४०॥
sudhiyaḥ sarva-kāryāṇi kurvanto bahir-indriyaiḥ |
japanti manasā nityaṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||40||
While performing all tasks with the external senses,
The wise always chant with the mind,
The name of Hari alone.
संसारसर्पदष्टस्य जनस्य जगतीतले ।
भैषज्यं यदि वा किञ्चिद्धरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥४१॥
saṁsāra-sarpa-daṣṭasya janasya jagatī-tale |
bhaiṣajyaṁ yadi vā kiñcid dharer nāmaiva kevalam ||41||
If a person bitten by the snake of saṁsāra
Has some medicine on the surface of the earth,
It is the name of Hari alone.
विष्णुरातो दिवं यातो हित्वानित्यकलेवरम् ।
श्रुत्वा शुकमुखाद्छुद्धम्हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥४२॥
viṣṇurāto divaṁ yāto hitvānitya-kalevaram |
śrutvā śuka-mukhād chuddham harer nāmaiva kevalam ||42||
Abandoning the impermanent body,
Viṣṇurāta [i.e., Parīkṣit Mahārāja] went to heaven
After hearing from the mouth of Śuka,
The pure name of Hari alone.
विषं विशमितं तेन प्रह्लादेन महात्मना ।
श्रद्धया परया स्मृत्वा हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥४३॥
viṣaṁ viśamitaṁ tena prahlādena mahātmanā |
śraddhayā parayā smṛtvā harer nāmaiva kevalam ||43||
Poison was counteracted by him,
The great soul Prahlāda,
After remembering with intense śraddhā,
The name of Hari alone.
कीर्तयित्वा कृतार्थोऽभूद्भगवान्बादरायणः ।
विमले जाह्नवीकूले हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥४४॥
kīrtayitvā kṛtārtho’bhūd bhagavān bādarāyaṇaḥ |
vimale jāhnavī-kūle harer nāmaiva kevalam ||44||
Bhagavān Bādarāyaṇa [i.e., Śukadeva Gosvāmī] became successful
After chanting on the pure bank of the Jāhnavī [i.e., Gaṅgā],
The name of Hari alone.
निरुपाधिसुहृन्नित्यमक्षयं परमं धनम् ।
कालानधिकृतं धाम हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥४५॥
nirupādhi-suhṛn nityam akṣayaṁ paramaṁ dhanam |
kālānadhikṛtaṁ dhāma harer nāmaiva kevalam ||45||
The unconditional friend forever,
The inexhaustible, supreme wealth,
The delight unruled by time,
Is the name of Hari alone.
यन्त्रणापरिपूर्णोऽपि नरकस्त्रिदिवायते ।
यदि स्यात्सततं तत्र हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥४६॥
yantraṇā-paripūrṇo’pi narakas tridivāyate |
yadi syāt satataṁ tatra harer nāmaiva kevalam ||46||
Although completely filled with suffering,
Naraka seems like Svarga
If there shall manifest continuously,
The name of Hari alone.
सर्वसम्पत्समृद्धोऽपि त्रिदिवो नरकायते ।
यदि न स्यात्सदा तत्र हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥४७॥
sarva-sampat-samṛddho’pi tridivo narakāyate |
yadi na syāt sadā tatra harer nāmaiva kevalam ||47||
Although richly endowed with all prosperity,
Svarga seems like Naraka
If there shall not manifest continuously,
The name of Hari alone.
प्राणान्ते नानुगच्छन्ति सर्वे धनजनादयः ।
जीवने मरणे सङ्गि हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥४८॥
prāṇānte nānugacchanti sarve dhana-janādayaḥ |
jīvane maraṇe saṅgi harer nāmaiva kevalam ||48||
At the end of life,
All of one’s wealth, relatives, and so forth
Do not follow [along with one into the afterlife].
In life and in death,
The companion,
Is the name of Hari alone.
पालने पितृवन्नित्यं लालने जननीसमम् ।
रमणे रामया तुल्यं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥४९॥
pālane pitṛvan nityaṁ lālane jananī-samam |
ramaṇe rāmayā tulyaṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||49||
Always like a father in protecting,
Like a mother in nurturing,
And like a beloved in amorous play,
Is the name of Hari alone.
स गुरुः स पिता चापि सा माता बन्धवोऽपि सः ।
शिक्षयेच्चेत्सदा स्मर्तुं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥५०॥
sa guruḥ sa pitā cāpi sā mātā bandhavo‘pi saḥ |
śikṣayec cet sadā smartuṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||50||
He is [truly] a guru,
He is [truly] a father,
She is [truly] a mother,
And he is [truly] a friend
If he [or she] shall teach you to remember always,
The name of Hari alone.
न गुरुर्न पिता चापि न माता बान्धवोऽपि न ।
न शिक्षयेद्यदि स्मर्तुं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥५१॥
na gurur na pitā cāpi na mātā bāndhavo‘pi na |
na śikṣayed yadi smartuṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||51||
He is not a guru,
He is not a father,
She is not a mother,
And he is not a friend,
If he [or she] shall not teach you to remember always,
The name of Hari alone.
क्षुधार्ते परमान्नं हि तृष्णार्ते शीतलं जलम् ।
सन्तप्ते कोमलो वायुर्हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥५२॥
kṣudhārte paramānnaṁ hi tṛṣṇārte śītalaṁ jalam |
santapte komalo vāyur harer nāmaiva kevalam ||52||
The best food for one afflicted with hunger,
The cool water for one afflicted with thirst,
And the gentle breeze for one who is stricken with heat,
Is the name of Hari alone.
पावनो यवनोऽपि स्याद्बुद्ध्वा सर्वमसद्यदि ।
कीर्तयेत्सततं भक्त्या हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥५३॥
pāvano yavano’pi syād buddhvā sarvam asad yadi |
kīrtayet satataṁ bhaktyā harer nāmaiva kevalam ||53||
Even a yavana shall become a purifier [of others]
If, after understanding everything [else] to be unreal,
He shall chant continuously with bhakti,
The name of Hari alone.
कालगुप्तचरा एते सर्वे दारसुतादयः ।
तद्वञ्चनमहामन्त्रो हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥५४॥
kāla-gupta-carā ete sarve dāra-sutādayaḥ |
tad-vañcana-mahāmantro harer nāmaiva kevalam ||54||
Wife, son, and so on—
They are all secret agents of time.
The great mantra for deceiving them,
Is the name of Hari alone.
लाभानां परमो लाभः सद्गतीनां परा गतिः ।
सर्वासामाशिषां शेषो हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥५५॥
lābhānāṁ paramo lābhaḥ sad-gatīnāṁ parā gatiḥ |
sarvāsām āśiṣāṁ śeṣo harer nāmaiva kevalam ||55||
The ultimate gain of all gains,
The ultimate destination of all high destinations,
The final result of all benedictions,
Is the name of Hari alone.
श्रूयन्ते बहवः शब्दा जीवभेदैः समीरिताः ।
साधुभिः श्रूयते किन्तु हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥५६॥
śrūyante bahavaḥ śabdā jīva-bhedaiḥ samīritāḥ |
sādhubhiḥ śrūyate kintu harer nāmaiva kevalam ||56||
Many words are heard uttered
By different living beings,
But by the sādhus is heard,
The name of Hari alone.
तृणीकृत्य जगत्सर्वं राजते सकलोपरि ।
चिदानन्दमयं शुद्धं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥५७॥
tṛṇī-kṛtya jagat sarvaṁ rājate sakalopari |
cid-ānandamayaṁ śuddhaṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||57||
Constituted of consciousness and bliss,
Making straw of the entire world,
And reigning above all,
Is the name of Hari alone.
सिद्धानां सिद्धिदा देवाः शतशः सन्ति सर्वतः ।
असिद्धसिद्धिदं विद्धि हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥५८॥
siddhānāṁ siddhidā devāḥ śataśaḥ santi sarvataḥ |
asiddha-siddhidaṁ viddhi harer nāmaiva kevalam ||58||
Devas by the hundreds everywhere
Are bestowers of accomplishments (siddhis) upon the accomplished (siddhas),
[But] Know the bestower of accomplishments (siddhis)
Upon [even] the unaccomplished (asiddhas),
To be the name of Hari alone.
स याति सकलं हित्वा निर्मलं श्रीहरेर्पदम् ।
यस्त्यजेत्कीर्तयन्प्राणान्हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥५९॥
sa yāti sakalaṁ hitvā nirmalaṁ śrī-harer padam |
yas tyajet kīrtayan prāṇān harer nāmaiva kevalam ||59||
After leaving everything,
He goes to the pure abode of Śrī Hari
Who can give up the prāṇas
While chanting,
The name of Hari alone.
अतः सुकृतिनो नित्यमाबाल्यादतियत्नतः ।
पुनः पुनः प्रगायन्ति हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥६०॥
ataḥ sukṛtino nityam ābālyād ati-yatnataḥ |
punaḥ punaḥ pragāyanti harer nāmaiva kevalam ||60||
Therefore, the virtuous
From childhood,
And with great effort,
Again and again sing aloud,
The name of Hari alone.
यावद्देहे स्थिताः प्राणा यावज्जिह्वा वशे स्थिता ।
तावदेव सदा गेयं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥६१॥
yāvad dehe sthitāḥ prāṇā yāvaj jihvā vaśe sthitā |
tāvad eva sadā geyaṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||61||
As long as the prāṇas remain in the body,
And as long as the tongue remains under control,
To be sung continuously,
Is the name of Hari alone.
निःश्वासे नाहि विश्वासः कदा रुद्धो भविष्यति ।
कीर्तनीय मतो बाल्याधरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥६२॥
niḥśvāse nāhi viśvāsaḥ kadā ruddho bhaviṣyati |
kīrtanīya mato bālyād harer nāmaiva kevalam ||62||
There is no confidence [i.e., certainty] in [one’s own] breath.
When will it be stopped? [It could be at any moment.]
[Therefore,] From childhood,
Deemed to be chanted,
Is the name of Hari alone.
क्षणं नापेक्षते मृत्युर्नानुरोधं शृणोति च ।
प्रागेव नीयतां तस्माद्धरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥६३॥
kṣaṇaṁ nāpekṣate mṛtyur nānurodhaṁ śṛṇoti ca |
prāg eva nīyatāṁ tasmād dharer nāmaiva kevalam ||63||
Death does not wait a moment,
And does not listen to requests.
Definitively beforehand,
To be taken,
Is the name of Hari alone.
कलिकुञ्जरकुम्भस्य दारणं भवतारणम् ।
मारणं मरणस्यापि हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥६४॥
kali-kuñjara-kumbhasya dāraṇaṁ bhava-tāraṇam |
māraṇaṁ maraṇasyāpi harer nāmaiva kevalam ||64||
The crusher of the frontal lobe
Of the forehead of the elephant of Kali,
The deliverer of material existence,
The death even of death,
Is the name of Hari alone.
गच्छद्भिरुत तिष्ठद्भिरश्नद्भिरपि यत्नतः ।
स्मरणीयं सदा पुंभिर्हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥६५॥
gacchadbhir uta tiṣṭhadbhir aśnadbhir api yatnataḥ |
smaraṇīyaṁ sadā puṁbhir harer nāmaiva kevalam ||65||
To be remembered always
With effort
By human beings
[Be they] Moving, or, standing, or even eating,
Is the name of Hari alone.
नास्ति नास्ति कलौ नास्ति हरिनाम विना गतिः ।
तस्माद्यत्नेन जप्तव्यं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥६६॥
nāsti nāsti kalau nāsti hari-nāma vinā gatiḥ |
tasmād yatnena japtavyaṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||66||
In [the Age of] Kali,
There is no,
There is no,
There is no way
Without the name of Hari.
Therefore, to be chanted with effort,
Is the name of Hari alone.
नरोऽपि सुरपूज्यः स धरा तस्यामरा पुरी ।
अङ्गे हृदि मुखे यस्य हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥६७॥
naro’pi sura-pūjyaḥ sa dharā tasyāmarā purī |
aṅge hṛdi mukhe yasya harer nāmaiva kevalam ||67||
Although a human being,
He becomes worshipable to the suras,
And for him [even] the earth becomes the residence of immortals,
In whose body, heart, and mouth,
Is the name of Hari alone.
पशुयोनौ वरं जन्म पक्षियोनौ वरं तथा ।
यदि स्मरेन्मनो नित्यं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥६८॥
paśu-yonau varaṁ janma pakṣi-yonau varaṁ tathā |
yadi smaren mano nityaṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||68||
Better a birth in the womb of an animal,
And better [a birth] in the womb of a bird,
If [there] the mind shall always remember,
The name of Hari alone.
स्वस्वाधिकारमाश्रित्य क्रियतां कर्म कृत्स्नशः ।
ध्रियतां ध्रियतां चित्ते हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥६९॥
sva-svādhikāram āśritya kriyatāṁ karma kṛtsnaśaḥ |
dhriyatāṁ dhriyatāṁ citte harer nāmaiva kevalam ||69||
Karma is to be performed
Entirely in accord with one’s own respective eligibility,
And at heart,
To be held, to be held,
Is the name of Hari alone.
जितं तेन रिपून्येन निरस्य भवसंयुगे ।
संलब्धं तन्महारत्नं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥७०॥
jitaṁ tena ripūn yena nirasya bhava-saṁyuge |
saṁlabdhaṁ tan-mahāratnaṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||70||
The enemies [i.e., desire, anger, etc.] in the battle of material existence
Are suppressed and defeated
By one who has obtained that great jewel—
The name of Hari alone.
गतमेव विजानीहि परमायुरनिशिचितम् ।
कीर्त्यतां कीत्यतां शीघ्रं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥७१॥
gatam eva vijānīhi paramāyur aniśicitam |
kīrtyatāṁ kītyatāṁ śīghraṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||71||
Know one’s uncertain lifespan to verily be gone.
To be chanted,
To be chanted,
Is the name of Hari alone.
अद्य श्व इति संयाता बहवो दिवसा वृथा ।
इदानीमपि जप्तव्यं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥७२॥
adya śva iti saṁyātā bahavo divasā vṛthā |
idānīm api japtavyaṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||72||
“Today, tomorrow …”
In this way,
Many days pass in vain.
Right now,
To be chanted,
Is the name of Hari alone.
नाहं चर्मादिसंयातो नैते मम गृहादयः ।
अहं जीवो ममावेहि हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥७३॥
nāhaṁ carmādi-saṁyāto naite mama gṛhādayaḥ |
ahaṁ jīvo mamāvehi harer nāmaiva kevalam ||73||
I am not a mass of skin and so on.
These [things around me] are not my house and so on.
Know, “I am a jīva,
And all that is my own,
Is the name of Hari alone.”
पिबन्ति केवलं वारि चातका मेघनिःसृतम् ।
तथा भक्ताः प्रगायन्ति हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥७४॥
pibanti kevalaṁ vāri cātakā megha-niḥsṛtam |
tathā bhaktāḥ pragāyanti harer nāmaiva kevalam ||74||
Cātakas drink only water
Originating from clouds.
Similarly, bhaktas sing aloud
The name of Hari alone.
याशा न हि निवर्तेत लब्ध्वापि सुरपालताम् ।
सास्वाद्य संनिवर्तेत हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥७५॥
yāśā na hi nivarteta labdhvāpi surapālatām |
sāsvādya saṁnivarteta harer nāmaiva kevalam ||75||
That longing
Which does not cease
Even after attaining the position of the king of the suras [i.e., Indra],
Ceases in full after tasting,
The name of Hari alone.
नाम धाम स्वरूपञ्च त्रयमेकं न संशयः ।
अतः पुंभिः सदा स्वाद्यं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥७६॥
nāma dhāma svarūpañ ca trayam ekaṁ na saṁśayaḥ |
ataḥ puṁbhiḥ sadā svādyaṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||76||
The name [of Hari],
The abode [of Hari],
And the nature [of Hari]—
These three are one.
There is no doubt.
To be tasted always by human beings,
Is the name of Hari alone.
हरिः सदा वसेत्तत्र यत्र भागवता जनाः ।
गायन्ति भक्तिभावेन हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥७७॥
hariḥ sadā vaset tatra yatra bhāgavatā janāḥ |
gāyanti bhakti-bhāvena harer nāmaiva kevalam ||77||
Hari shall dwell there
Where persons devoted to [him,] Bhagavān,
With the bhāva of bhakti sing,
The name of Hari alone.
तधि वृन्दावनं धाम प्रेमाश्रुपुलकाचितैः ।
यत्र संगीयते भक्तैर्हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥७८॥
tad hi vṛndāvanaṁ dhāma premāśru-pulakācitaiḥ |
yatra saṁgīyate bhaktair harer nāmaiva kevalam ||78||
That indeed is Vṛndāvana Dhāma
Where with unnoticed horripilation
And tears of prema
Is sung by bhaktas,
The name of Hari alone.
तत्र तीर्थान्यशेषाणि क्षेत्राणि सकलानि च ।
प्रेम्णा प्रगीयते यत्र हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥७९॥
tatra tīrthāny aśeṣāṇi kṣetrāṇi sakalāni ca |
premṇā pragīyate yatra harer nāmaiva kevalam ||79||
There are innumerable sacred bodies of water (tīrthas),
And [there are] all the sacred places (kṣetras),
Where sung with prema,
Is the name of Hari alone.
नृत्यन्ति देवतास्तत्र मुदा मर्त्यैरलक्षिताः ।
संकीर्त्यते जनैर्यत्र हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥८०॥
nṛtyanti devatās tatra mudā martyair alakṣitāḥ |
saṁkīrtyate janair yatra harer nāmaiva kevalam ||80||
The devatās dance unseen there
Where chanted by mortal persons with joy,
Is the name of Hari alone.
मोदन्ते पितरः सर्वे श्रुत्वा श्रुतिमनोहरम् ।
स्ववंश्यानां मुखेभ्यो हि हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥८१॥
modante pitaraḥ sarve śrutvā śruti-manoharam |
sva-vaṁśyānāṁ mukhebhyo hi harer nāmaiva kevalam ||81||
Captivating to the ears and mind,
All the forefathers rejoice
After hearing from the mouths of their descendants
The name of Hari alone.
वरमायुः क्षणार्धं हि यदि तत्र हृदा स्मरेत्।
सारात्सारतरं शुद्धं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥८२॥
varam āyuḥ kṣaṇārdhaṁ hi yadi tatra hṛdā smaret |
sārātsārataraṁ śuddhaṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||82||
Better a lifespan of just half a moment
If therein one shall remember with the heart
The very essence of the essence,
The pure name of Hari alone.
भोगेन सम्प्रदानेन क्षयं यात्यखिलं धनम् ।
संगृहाणाक्षयं रत्नं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥८३॥
bhogena sampradānena kṣayaṁ yāty akhilaṁ dhanam |
saṁgṛhāṇākṣayaṁ ratnaṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||83||
By enjoying or giving,
All wealth becomes exhausted.
[Therefore,] Kindly accept the inexhaustible jewel:
The name of Hari alone.
ये विदन्ति न्जिअं लाभमलाभं वा विदन्ति च ।
क्रीणन्ति ते शरीरेण हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥८४॥
ye vidanti njiaṁ lābham alābhaṁ vā vidanti ca |
krīṇanti te śarīreṇa harer nāmaiva kevalam ||84||
They who know their own gain,
And alternately know [their own] loss,
Buy with the body
The name of Hari alone.
अभ्यस्तमधुना चेत्स्याद्रसनायामयत्नतः ।
आविर्भाव स्वयं शेषे हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥८५॥
abhyastam adhunā cet syād rasanāyām ayatnataḥ |
āvirbhāva svayaṁ śeṣe harer nāmaiva kevalam ||85||
If practiced now,
[Then] In the end
Of its own accord
On the tongue
Shall appear without effort
The name of Hari alone.
हाहा कुर्वन्किमाप्नोषि भवितव्यं भविष्यति ।
तस्मात्संजप यत्नेन हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥८६॥
hā-hā kurvan kim āpnoṣi bhavitavyaṁ bhaviṣyati |
tasmāt saṁjapa yatnena harer nāmaiva kevalam ||86||
What do you gain by crying, “Alas! Alas!”
That which is to be shall be.
Therefore, with effort chant,
The name of Hari alone.
कदा वृन्दावनं गत्वा धृत्वा मधुकरं व्रतम् ।
अनुक्षणं वदिष्यामि हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥८७॥
kadā vṛndāvanaṁ gatvā dhṛtvā madhukaraṁ vratam |
anukṣaṇaṁ vadiṣyāmi harer nāmaiva kevalam ||87||
When will I go to Vṛndāvana,
Take up the rite of a bee,
And constantly call,
The name of Hari alone?
आत्मना वञ्चितो ह्यात्मा तेन पुंसा दुरात्मना ।
न नीतं हेलया येन हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥८८॥
ātmanā vañcito hy ātmā tena puṁsā durātmanā |
na nītaṁ helayā yena harer nāmaiva kevalam ||88||
The self has been cheated by the self
Of that person of ill-self
By whom out of negligence
Not taken is,
The name of Hari alone.
अहो दुःखं महो दुःखं दुःखाद्दुःखतरं यतः ।
काचार्थं विस्मृतम्रत्नं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥८९॥
aho duḥkhaṁ maho duḥkhaṁ duḥkhād duḥkhataraṁ yataḥ |
kācārthaṁ vismṛtam ratnaṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||89||
Aho! Sorrow! Great sorrow!
Sorrow greater than all else that is sorrow!
Forgotten for the sake of glass,
Is the jewel,
The name of Hari alone!
हरिः स्वयं हरो भूत्वा हित्वा सर्वं दिगम्बरः ।
श्मशाने संजपत्येतद्धरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥९०॥
hariḥ svayaṁ haro bhūtvā hitvā sarvaṁ digambaraḥ |
śmaśāne saṁjapaty etad dharer nāmaiva kevalam ||90||
Hari himself,
Having given up everything,
And become Hara [i.e., Śiva],
Garbed in the directions,
Chants at a cremation grounds,
This name of Hari alone.
श्रीचैतन्यः कृपासिन्धुर्भगवान्भक्तरूपकः ।
कृपया दत्तवानेतद्धरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥९१॥
śrī-caitanyaḥ kṛpā-sindhur bhagavān bhakta-rūpakaḥ |
kṛpayā dattavān etad dharer nāmaiva kevalam ||91||
The ocean of grace Śrī Caitanya,
Bhagavān bearing the figure of a bhakta,
Has graciously given,
This name of Hari alone.
‘तृणादपि सुनीचेन तरोरपि सहिष्णुना ।
अमानिना सदा’ गेयं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥९२॥
‘tṛṇād api sunīcena taror api sahiṣṇunā |
amāninā sadā’ geyaṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||92||
To be sung always
By one who is very low,
More so than even grass,
More so than even a tree,
And undesirous of respect,
Is the name of Hari alone.
यत्नपुष्टः स्वदेहोऽपि भस्मशेषो भविष्यति ।
सञ्चीयतामतो नित्यं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥९३॥
yatna-puṣṭaḥ sva-deho’pi bhasma-śeṣo bhaviṣyati |
sañcīyatām ato nityaṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||93||
Even one’s body,
Nourished with effort,
Will become ashen remains [eventually].
To be collected always,
Is the name of Hari alone.
यदि वाञ्छसि संप्राप्तुं तद्विष्णोः परमं पदम् ।
स्मर स्मर हराराध्यं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥९४॥
yadi vāñchasi saṁprāptuṁ tad-viṣṇoḥ paramaṁ padam |
smara smara harārādhyaṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||94||
If you want to attain in full
The supreme abode of Viṣṇu,
Remember, remember,
That which is worshipable [even] to Hara,
The name of Hari alone.
वर्णाश्रमवयोदीक्षाशिक्षादिनियमो न हि ।
साधारणधनं विद्धि हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥९५॥
varṇāśrama-vayo-dīkṣā-śikṣādi-niyamo na hi |
sādhāraṇa-dhanaṁ viddhi harer nāmaiva kevalam ||95||
Know the universal wealth
To be not the obligations
Of one’s varṇa, āśrama, age,
Dīkṣā, education, and so forth,
But certainly,
The name of Hari alone.
गरलीकृतपीयूषं कपर्दीकृतकौस्तुभम् ।
विराजते स्वप्रकाशं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥९६॥
garalī-kṛta-pīyūṣaṁ kapardī-kṛta-kaustubham |
virājate sva-prakāśaṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||96||
Transforming poison into nectar,
Transforming a cowrie into the kaustubha,
And shining self-manifest,
Is the name of Hari alone.
हरिस्मरणमाचार्यैः सर्वार्तिशमनं मतम् ।
स्मरणीयमतो मर्त्यैः हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥९७॥
hari-smaraṇam ācāryaiḥ sarvārti-śamanaṁ matam |
smaraṇīyam ato martyaiḥ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||97||
Remembrance of Hari
Is understood by the ācāryas
To be relieving of all distress.
To be remembered by mortal beings,
Is the name of Hari alone.
भवान्धकूपमग्नानां क्रन्दताञ्च पुनः पुनः ।
उत्थानालम्बनं ह्येकं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥९८॥
bhavāndha-kūpa-magnānāṁ krandatāñ ca punaḥ punaḥ |
utthānālambanaṁ hy ekaṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||98||
For those stuck
And crying again and again
In the dark well of material existence,
The sole support for climbing out,
Is the name of Hari alone.
दीयतां दीयतां कर्णो नीयतां नीयतां वचः ।
गीयतां गीयतां नित्यं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥९९॥
dīyatāṁ dīyatāṁ karṇo nīyatāṁ nīyatāṁ vacaḥ |
gīyatāṁ gīyatāṁ nityaṁ harer nāmaiva kevalam ||99||
The ear should be given to, should be given to,
The speech should take, should take,
And one should sing, one should sing,
The name of Hari alone.
अपूर्वभूषणं कण्ठे नीलकान्ततमोनुदम् ।
ध्रियतां ध्रियतां सर्वैर्हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ॥१००॥
apūrva-bhūṣaṇaṁ kaṇṭhe nīlakānta-tamonudam |
dhriyatāṁ dhriyatāṁ sarvair harer nāmaiva kevalam ||100||
The most extraordinary ornament on the throat,
The dispeller of Nīlakānta’s darkness,
To be held, to be held, by all
Is the name of Hari alone.
Pañca-ratnam by Śrīyukta Nīlakānta Gosvāmī Bhāgavatācārya.