dekha dekha rādhā-rūpa apāra

By Śrī Vidyāpati

দেখ দেখ রাধা-রূপ অপার ।
অপরূপ কো বিহি আনি মিলাওল
খিতিতলে লাবণি-সার ॥১॥

dekha dekha rādhā-rūpa apāra |
aparūpa ko vihi āni milāola
khiti-tale lāvaṇi-sāra ||1||

Look! Look! Rādhā’s figure is incomparable!
Who is this wonder
Destiny has brought and revealed?
On the surface of the earth,
She is the very essence of beauty.

অঙ্গহি অঙ্গ অনঙ্গ মুরুছায়ত
হেরই পড়য়ে অধীর ।
মনমথ-কোটি মথন করু যো জন
সো হেরি মহি মাহা গীর ॥২॥

aṅgahi aṅga anaṅga murucāyata
hera-i paḍaye adhīra |
manamatha-koṭi mathana karu yo jana
so heri mahi māhā gīra ||2||

Beholding her limbs (aṅga) and features (aṅgahi),
Anaṅga [i.e., Kāmadeva] falls unsteady and faints.
Upon seeing her,
That person who makes
Crores of mind-churners [i.e., Kāmadevas] churn [i.e., Kṛṣṇa],
Falls to the ground.

কত শত লখমি চরণতলে নীছয়ে
কত সুররঙ্গিণি হেরি বিভোরি ।
করু অভিলাষ মনহি পদপঙ্কজ
সেবনি অহোনিশ কোরে অগোরি ॥৩॥

kata śata lakhami caraṇa-tale nīchaye
kata sura-raṅgiṇi heri vibhori |
karu abhilāṣa manahi pada-paṅkaja
sevani aho-niśa kore agori ||3||

How many hundreds of Lakṣmīs
Perform worship at the soles of her feet?
How many nymphs among the suras
Become overwhelmed beholding [her]?
At heart I desire
Serving her lotus feet,
Tending to them in my arms,
Day and night.




Pada-kalpa-taru: 4.29.14 (2471)


Śrī Satīśacandra Rāya includes this pada in his Pada-kalpa-taru without attributing any specific authorship to it. Nāgendranātha Gupta, however, attributes this pada to Śrī Vidyāpati in his Vidyāpati-padāvalī (Vandanā 2).


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