
asmil loke vartamānaḥ svadharmastho’naghaḥ śuciḥ

asmil̐ loke vartamānaḥ svadharmastho’naghaḥ śuciḥ |
jñānaṁ viśuddham āpnoti mad-bhaktiṁ vā yadṛcchayā ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 11.20.11)

“While existing in this world, one who is situated in one’s own dharma, sinless, and pure attains pure jñāna, or, bhakti to me independently.”

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nātaḥ parataro loke puṁsaḥ svārtha-vyatikramaḥ

nātaḥ parataro loke puṁsaḥ svārtha-vyatikramaḥ |
yad-adhy anyasya preyastvam ātmanaḥ sva-vyatikramāt ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgatavatam: 4.22.32)

“There is no neglect of one’s own interest in this world greater than one’s own neglect of the self (ātmā) [i.e., of one’s true nature as an eternal spiritual entity distinct from the gross and subtle bodies], [the self solely] for the sake of which there is dearness of another [i.e., of any other thing, person, etc., e.g., one’s body gross and subtle bodies, family, wealth, etc.].”

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yadṛcchayā kenāpi parama-svatantra-bhagavad-bhakta-saṅga-tat-kṛpā-jāta-maṅgalodayena

yadṛcchayā kenāpi parama-svatantra-bhagavad-bhakta-saṅga-tat-kṛpā-jāta-maṅgalodayena |
(Bhakti Sandarbha: 171)

“‘Yadṛcchayā’ means by the appearance, somehow or other, of good fortune born of the association and grace of bhaktas of Bhagavān, who are supremely independent [of the constraints of karma and so forth, both in general, and specifically in regard to bestowing grace].”

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yādṛcchikatvaṁ na tu karma-janitatvaṁ

yādṛcchikatvaṁ na tu karma-janitatvaṁ … |
(Sārārtha-darśinī-ṭīkā on Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 10.10.17)

“Being yādṛcchika [lsly., “of independent cause”], and not rather, being produced by karma ….”

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tan-mūla-saṁsāra-pariśramāturāḥ |
yadṛcchayopasṛtā yam āpnuyur
vimuktido naḥ paramo gurur bhavān ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 8.24.46)

[Satyavrata Rāja to Matsya Avatāra:] “Those whose awareness of the ātmā [i.e., the self] has been covered by beginningless ignorance, who are [thus] suffering from the toil of saṁsāra, the root of which is this [i.e., this beginningless ignorance], and who have somehow [i.e., by the grace of a bhakta] become sheltered, can attain you, who are the giver of complete liberation and our supreme guru.”

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