
mīnā jālena dāsaiḥ sarasi mṛga-gaṇā vāgurābhi svaraṇye

mīnā jālena dāsaiḥ sarasi mṛga-gaṇā vāgurābhi svaraṇye
hiṁsraiḥ saṁsāra-cakre hari-vimukha-narā māyayā moha-pāśaīḥ |
kārāgāreṣu gāḍhoddhata-nṛpati-bhaṭāis taskarāḥ śṛṅkhalābhir
vṛndāraṇye vayaṁ cādbhuta-rasa-valitais tad-guṇaughair nibaddhāḥ ||
(Vṛndāvana-mahimāmṛta: 12.18)

“Fish become tightly bound in a lake by fishermen with a net, animals in a deep forest by hunters with traps, human beings averse to Hari in the wheel of saṁsāra by māyā with the ropes of illusion, thieves in jails by forceful hired soldiers of a king with shackles, and we with the inundation of its [i.e., Vṛndāvana’s] qualities accompanied by astonishing rasa in the forest of Vṛndā.”

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śrī-rādhā-pāda-padma-cchavi-madhuratara-prema-cij-jyotir ekā-mbodher

śrī-rādhā-pāda-padma-cchavi-madhuratara-prema-cij-jyotir ekā-
mbodher udbhūta-phena-stavaka-maya-tanūḥ sarva-vaidagdhya-pūrṇāḥ |
kaiśora-vyañjitās tad-ghana-rug-apaghana-śrī-camatkāra-bhājo
divyālaṅkāra-vastrā anusarata sakhe rādhikā-kiṅkarīs tāḥ ||
(Vṛndāvana-mahimāmṛta: 2.86)

“Their forms are made of clusters of foam arising from the superexcellent ocean of the spiritual light of prema made even sweeter by the luster of Śrī Rādhā’s lotus feet. They are replete with all expertise and vividly youthful, their figures are splendorous and astonishing with the intense luster thereof [i.e., of their youth] and adorned with charming ornaments and garments. O sakhī, follow those maidservants of Rādhikā.”

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vīkṣe divyākṣi-lakṣaiḥ sthira-cara-suṣamāṁ saurabhaṁ ghrāṇa-lakṣair

vīkṣe divyākṣi-lakṣaiḥ sthira-cara-suṣamāṁ saurabhaṁ ghrāṇa-lakṣair
jighrāmy ākarṇaye ca śravaṇa-vitatibhis tvad-guṇān atyudārān |
pat-koṭyā tvayaṭeyaṁ yadi ca kara-śiraḥ koṭibhis tvāṁ nameyaṁ
no tṛptir me tathāpi priyatama-paramānanda-vṛndāvanādya ||
(Vṛndāvana-mahimāmṛta: 4.53)

“O dearmost, supremely blissful Vṛndāvana! If today I beheld the exquisite beauty of the mobile and immobile beings within you with hundreds of thousands of divine eyes, I smelled your fragrance with hundreds of thousands of noses, I heard your most exalted virtues with numerous ears, I were to roam about you with tens of millions of feet, and I were to bow to you with tens of millions of hands and feet, still I would feel no satiation.”

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