
śrutaya ūcuḥ

śrutaya ūcuḥ—
kandarpa-koṭi-lāvaṇye tvayi dṛṣṭe manāṁsi naḥ |
kāminī-bhāvam āsādya smara-kṣubdhāny asaṁśayam |
yathā tval-loka-vāsinyaḥ kāma-tattvena gopikāḥ |
bhajanti ramaṇaṁ matvā cikīrṣājani nas tathā ||
śrī-bhagavān uvāca—
durlabho durghaṭaś caiva yuṣmākaṁ sumanorathaḥ |
mayānumoditaḥ samyak so’pi bhavitum arhati ||
āgāmini viriñcau tu jāte sṛṣṭy-artham udyate |
kalpaṁ sārasvataṁ prāpya vraje gopyā bhaviṣyatha ||
pṛthivyāṁ bhārate kṣetre māthure mama maṇḍale |
vṛndāvane bhaviṣyāmi preyān vo rāsa-maṇḍale ||
jāra-dharmeṇa susnehaṁ sudṛḍhaṁ sarvato’dhikam |
mayi samprāpya sarve’pi kṛtakṛtyā bhaviṣyatha ||
(Bṛhad Vāmana Purāṇa; cited in the Locana-rocanī-ṭīkā and Ānanda-candrikā-ṭīkā on Ujjvala-nīlamāṇi: 3.47)

“The Śrutis say, ‘Upon seeing you possessed of the loveliness of a crore of Kandarpas, our minds take on the bhāva of a ladylove (kāminī) and are undoubtedly agitated by passion. As the gopikās residing in your abode worship you with the essence of kāma, having accepted you as their lover, so [too] our desire has arisen to do so.’ Śrī Bhagavān says, ‘This excellent desire of you all is difficult to attain and difficult to accomplish. [When] Approved by me in full [however], it too can come to be. When a future Brahmā is born and arises for the purpose of emanation [of the universe], you all will arrive in the Sārasvata-kalpa and become gopīs in Vraja. In the rāsa circle in Vṛndāvana within my district of Mathurā in the land of Bhārata on Earth, I will become the beloved of you all. Attaining in full profound affection for me that is profoundly firm and all-surpassing, you all too will become successful.”

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yasmāt pramathase tattvaṁ jātosmākaṁ yathā vidheḥ

yasmāt pramathase tattvaṁ jātosmākaṁ yathā vidheḥ |
tasmān manmatha-nāmā tvaṁ loke khyāto bhaviṣyasi ||
jagatsu kāma-rūpas tvaṁ tvat-samo na hi vidyate |
atas tvaṁ kāma-nāmāpi khyāto bhava manobhava ||
madanān madanākhyas tvaṁ jāto darpāt sadarpakaḥ |
tasmāt kandarpa-nāmāpi loke khyāto bhaviṣyasi ||
(Śiva Purāṇa:–6)

“Since you ever intensely churn [alt., agitate, or, harass] the psyche of ourselves as [you do so] of Brahmā [too], you will be known in the world by the name Manmatha [lit., ‘Mind-churner’]. There is no one in the universe equal to you, you who have a form of desire (kāma) [i.e., you who can assume any form you so desire]. Thus, you shall be known by the name Kāma [i.e., ‘Desire’] too, O you whose birth occurs in the mind. You are known as Madana [i.e., ‘Impassioning’] because of [your being] impassioning [of others], and, born of pride, you are possessed of pride. Thus, you will be known by the name Kandarpa too.”

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tasmād avaidikānāṁ ca devānām arcanaṁ tyajet

tasmād avaidikānāṁ ca devānām arcanaṁ tyajet |
svatantra-pūjanaṁ yatra vaidikānām api tyajet ||
arcayitvā jagad-vandyaṁ devaṁ nārāyaṇaṁ harim |
tad-āvaraṇa-saṁsthānaṁ devasya parito’rcayet ||
harer bhuktāvaśeṣeṇa baliṁ tebhyo viniḥkṣipet |
homaṁ caiva prakurvīta tac-cheṣeṇaiva vaiṣṇavaḥ ||
(Padma Purāṇa: 6.253.104-7; cited in Bhakti Sandarbha: 285)

“Therefore, furthermore, one should reject worship of non-Vedic devas, and one should reject independent worship even of the Vedic [devas]. After worshiping the Deva honorable to the [entire] world [i.e., the Deva worthy of the worship even of all the other devas], that is, Nārāyaṇa, Hari, one should worship the multitude of entourages around the Deva. A Vaiṣṇava should present them [i.e., these aprākṛta devatās of Vaikuṇṭha present at the yogapīṭha] an offering with Hari’s food remnants and make an oblation [for them] only with his remnants.”

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na vidyate yasya ca janma karma vā

na vidyate yasya ca janma karma vā
na nāma-rūpe guṇa-doṣa eva vā |
tathāpi lokāpyaya-sambhavāya yaḥ
sva-māyayā tāny anukālam ṛcchati ||
tasmai namaḥ pareśāya brahmaṇe’nanta-śaktaye |
arūpāyoru-rūpāya nama āścarya-karmaṇe ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 8.3.8–9)

“Obeisance unto the Supreme Īśa, unto Brahman, unto he possessed of unending potency, unto he who has no birth or action, no name or form, and no faults in the form of [material] qualities whatsoever, and who by means of his own māyā still accepts these [i.e., births, actions, names, forms, and qualities] perpetually for the sake of the dissolution and the attainment of the people. Obeisance unto he who has no [material] form, unto he who has an excellent [spiritual] form, unto he of astonishing action.”

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sarva-dharmopapatteś ca

sarva-dharmopapatteś ca |
(Vedānta-sūtra: 2.1.37)

“And because of the establishment of all attributes [in Brahman, Brahman rightly both remains impartial to jīvas in general and favors his bhaktas specifically].

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aiśvaryasya samagrasya vīryasya yaśasaḥ śriyaḥ

aiśvaryasya samagrasya vīryasya yaśasaḥ śriyaḥ |
jñāna-vairāgyayoś caiva ṣaṇṇāṁ bhaga itīṅganā ||
(Viṣṇu Purāṇa: 6.5.74; cited in Bhagavat Sandarbha: 3)

“[The word] Bhaga [i.e., ‘excellence’] is an indication of six [attributes]: complete mastery, potency, fame, wealth, knowledge, and non-attachment.”

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vastv ekam eva duḥkhāya sukhāyerṣyāgamāya ca

vastv ekam eva duḥkhāya sukhāyerṣyāgamāya ca |
kopāya ca yatas tasmād astu vastv-ātmakaṁ kutaḥ ||
tad eva prītaye bhūtvā punar duḥkhāya jāyate |
tad eva kopāya yataḥ prasādāya ca jāyate ||
tasmād duḥkhātmakaṁ nāsti na ca kiñcit sukhātmakam |
manasaḥ pariṇāmo’yaṁ sukha-duḥkhādi-lakṣaṇaḥ ||
(Viṣṇu Purāṇa: 2.6.47–49)

“Since one selfsame object leads to suffering and to happiness, to the appearance of malice and to anger [depending on the time, place, observer, and so forth of the object], how could it [i.e., any particular object, such as a garland] be constituted of an essential property [i.e., how could it be inherently possessed of a property that gives rise to suffering, or happiness, or anything else specifically otherwise]? Since that itself [i.e., any one particular selfsame object] leads to pleasure and then leads to suffering, and that itself [i.e., that particular object] leads to anger and then to tranquillity, it is not constituted of suffering, and it is not constituted of happiness at all. These characteristics of happiness, suffering, and so on are [only] transformations [i.e., various states] of the mind.”

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yo yo viśeṣo’pekṣyaḥ syād anyo’pi likhiteṣv iha

athopasaṁhāraḥ |
yo yo viśeṣo’pekṣyaḥ syād anyo’pi likhiteṣv iha |
tat-tac-chāstrāt sa sa jñeyo nitarāṁ ca guror mukhāt ||
santy anye’pi sadācārā bahavaḥ śāstra-darśitāḥ |
na likhyante’tra te sarve grāhakābhāvato’dhunā ||
kṛtyāny etāni tu prāyo gṛhiṇāṁ dhanināṁ satām |
likhitāni na tu tyakta-parigraha-mahātmanām ||
avaśyaṁ tāni sarvāṇi teṣāṁ tādṛktva-siddhaye |
prāg apekṣyāṇi bhaktir hi sadācāraika-sādhanā ||
teṣāṁ ca pūrva-likhitāt kṛtyāny ekānti-lakṣaṇāt |
vyaktiṁ yātāny athāpy ante likhyante’lpāni kānicit ||
prāk prema-bhakti-sampatteś cihnāni likhitāni hi |
tāny evaikāntināṁ prāyo jñāpakāni vidur budhāḥ ||
sarva-tyāge’py aheyāyāḥ sarvānartha-bhuvaś ca te |
kuryuḥ pratiṣṭhā-viṣṭhāyā yatnam asparśane varam ||
ata evoktam ekādaśe śrī-bhagavatā—
jñāna-niṣṭho virakto vā mad-bhakto vānapekṣakaḥ |
sa-liṅgān āśramāṁs tyaktvā cared avidhi-gocaraḥ ||
ekāntināṁ gatānāṁ tu śrī-kṛṣṇa-caraṇābjayoḥ |
bhaktiḥ svataḥ pravarteta tad-vighnaiḥ kiṁ vratādibhiḥ ||
tathā brahma-vaivarte—
yathā katham api śrīmān śrīkāntaṁ samupāśritaḥ |
kurute’khila-pāpānāṁ pralayaṁ kiṁ punar vrataiḥ ||
viṣṇu-rahasye brahma-nārada-saṁvāde māsopavāsa-kathanānte—
indriyārtheṣv asaktānāṁ sadaiva vimalā matiḥ |
paritoṣayate viṣṇuṁ nopavāso’jitātmanaḥ ||375||
kiṁ tasya bahubhis tīrthaiḥ snāna-homa-japa-vrataiḥ |
yenendriya-gaṇo ghoro nirjito’duṣṭa-cetasā ||376||
jitendriyaḥ sadā śāntaḥ sarva-bhūta-hite rataḥ |
vāsudeva-paro nityaṁ na kleśaṁ kartum arhati ||377||
ye smaranti sadā viṣṇuṁ viśuddhenāntarātmanā |
te prayānti bhayaṁ tyaktvā viṣṇu-lokam anāmayam ||378||
prabhāte cārdha-rātre ce madhyāhne diva-saṅkṣaye |
kīrtayanti hariṁ ye vai na te taranti bhavārṇavam ||379||
ānandito’thavā cārtaḥ kruddhaḥ śānto’thavā harim |
yo’nukīrtayate bhaktyā sa gacched vaiṣṇavīṁ purīm ||380||
garbha-janma-jarā-roga-duḥkha-saṁsāra-bandhanaiḥ |
na bādhyate naro nityaṁ vāsudevam anusmaran ||381||
evam ekāntināṁ prāyaḥ kīrtanaṁ smaraṇaṁ prabhoḥ |
kurvatāṁ parama-prītyā kṛtyam anyan na rocate ||382||
bhāvena kenacit preṣṭha-śrī-mūrter aṅghri-sevane |
syād icchaiṣāṁ sva-mantreṇa sva-rasenaiva tad-vidhiḥ ||383||
vihiteṣv eva nityeṣu pravartante svayaṁ hi te |
ity ādy ekāntināṁ bhāti māhātmyaṁ likhitaṁ hi tat ||384||
(Hari-bhakti-vilāsa: 20.364–383; 371 cited from Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 11.18.28, 373 cited from Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 11.20.36; 374 cited from Brahma-vaivarta Purāṇa; 375–381 cited from Viṣṇu-rahasya)

“Now, the conclusion [of this text, viz., Hari-bhakti-vilāsa:] Should particular matters of consideration arise in addition even to those described here [in Hari-bhakti-vilāsa], those are to be learned from the appropriate śāstra [that addresses those matters] and expressly from the mouth of guru. ||364|| There are many additional forms of sadācāra shown in the śāstra. Not all of these are described here [in Hari-bhakti-vilāsa] because of the absence of [suitable] recipients at present. ||365|| These activities (kṛtyas) [i.e., the activities described in this text], however, for the most part, have been described for wealthy and virtuous householders, and not rather for great souls who have forsaken acquisition [i.e., for those who have renounced household life]. ||366|| All of those [activities] are certainly to be observed beforehand [i.e., before one becomes a renunciant] in order to attain that state of theirs [i.e., to attain the position of a renunciant, meaning, the qualifications required to live a life of renunciation], since bhakti is that the only means of attainment of which is sadācāra (sadācāraika-sādhanā) [i.e., bhakti is attained only by observance of sadācāra in the sense that it is attained only by means of a purified mind and sādācāra is a primary means of bringing that about]. ||367|| Their [i.e., renunciants’] activities were also made evident by the aforementioned characteristics of the one-pointed [i.e., of the ekānti-bhaktas, as discussed in HBV 10.59–76 and elsewhere]. Now as well at the end [of this text], a few of them will be described. ||368||
“Now, the activities of the one-pointed (ekāntis)—the wise know the signs of the attainment of prema-bhakti aforementioned [in HBV 11.633–645] to be, for the most part, indications [i.e., characteristics] of the one-pointed. ||369|| It is best that they shall try to be untouched by the stool of pratiṣṭhā, which is the cause of all anarthas and difficult to abandon even after the renunciation of all else. ||370|| Therefore, it is said in the Eleventh Canto [i.e., SB 11.18.28] by Śrī Bhagavān: ‘One who is detached and fixed in jñāna, or, one who is disinterested and my bhakta, shall relinquish the duties of one’s āśrama along with their paraphernalia and proceed outside the scope of injunctions.’ ||371|| The bhakti of those who have attained one-pointedness (ekāntitā) upon the lotus feet of Śrī Kṛṣṇa shall proceed [i.e., be continuous conducted] of its own accord [i.e., it shall remain continuously engaged in without the need of any external impetus in the form of injunctions or otherwise]. What [is the use] of rites (vratas) and so forth that are [simply] obstructions to it? [i.e., There is no necessity of one-pointed bhaktas observing the many of the various types of rites (vratas), codes of conduct (sadācāra), and so on aforementioned in this text because the purpose of these things is prompting engagement in bhakti and one-pointed bhaktas are already automatically engaged in bhakti by the bhakti ever-present in their hearts; observation of rites and so on is thus redundant for them and furthermore shall even be an obstruction to the flow of their expression of bhakti]. ||372|| [Thus Śrī Bhagavān further states in SB 11.20.26:] ‘Bhaktas who are one-pointed upon me have no qualities [i.e., merits, sins, or otherwise] produced by qualities and faults [i.e., by observance of injunctions and neglect of prohibitions].’ ||373||
“Similarly, [it is stated] in Brahma-vaivarta Purāṇa: ‘One who is fully sheltered howsoever in Śrīkānta becomes fortunate and causes the dissolution of all [their] sins. [So,] What further [is the use] of vratas [for such a person]? [There is no need for them at all.]’ ||374||
“At the end of the discussion of fasts related to months [throughout the year] in the conversation of Brahmā and Nārada in Viṣṇu-rahasya [it is also stated]: ‘The ever-pure mind [alt., desire, understanding, perception, or devotion] of those who are unattached to the objects of the senses is pleasing to Viṣṇu, and not the fasting of those of uncontrolled mind. ||375|| What [is the use] of so many tīrthas, or baths, fire sacrifices, japa, and rites (vratas), for one of unpolluted mind by whom the fearsome senses have been completely conquered? ||376|| One who has controlled the senses is always tranquil and given to the welfare of all beings. One who is dedicated to Vāsudeva is never required [alt., fit] to suffer. ||377|| Those who always remember Visṇu with a pure inner self leave behind fear and attain the plane of Viṣṇu free from suffering. ||378|| Those who praise Hari in the morning, at midnight, at midday, and at the end of the day certainly cross over the ocean of material existence. ||379|| [Whether] Blissful or distressed, angry or peaceful, one who continuously praises Hari with bhakti shall attain the abode of Viṣṇu. ||380|| A person who always continuously remembers Vāsudeva is not disturbed by the fetters of saṁsāra in the form of the sufferings of the womb, birth, old age, and disease.’ ||381||
“In this way, the one-pointed, who engage for the most part in praising (kīrtana) and remembrance (smaraṇa) of Prabhu with paramount prīti, have no taste for other activities. ||382|| Should they, because of some bhāva, have a desire for [engaging in] worship of the feet of the Śrī-mūrti [i.e., Deity] of their Beloved [i.e., their Iṣṭa-devatā], that act [i.e., their acting upon that desire to render such worship] is only because of their own mantra and their own rasa [i.e., that desire and the action based upon it are not motivated by any injunction but rather are inspired by the influence of their mantra, that is, the influence of the Iṣṭa-devatā of their mantra, and their own taste (rasa) for serving him]. ||383|| They proceed of their own accord in their regular prescribed activities [i.e., they perform their regular activities out of natural inclination and liking, and not merely out of any sense of obedience to injunction]. Such greatness of the one-pointed as this [i.e., as has been thus discussed, along with numerous other additional exalted characteristics not mentioned here] shines, and that indeed has been described [here in Hari-bhakti-vilāsa]. ||384||”

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vighnākulatve’pi mano-rati-paratā

vighnākulatve’pi mano-rati-paratā | …
yasya kṛcchra-gatasyāpi keśave ramate manaḥ |
na vicyutā ca bhaktir vai sa vai bhāgavato naraḥ ||
āpad-gatasya yasyeha bhakir avyabhicāriṇī |
nānyatra ramate cittaṁ sa vai bhāgavato naraḥ ||
(Skanda Purāṇa; cited in Hari-bhakti-vilāsa: 10.67–68)

“[A third degree of one-pointedness (ekāntitā) upon Śrī Bhagavān is described:] Being devoted with rati in the mind even while being disturbed by obstructions [is described in Skanda Purāṇa]: ‘A person whose mind rejoices in Keśava and whose bhakti does not digress even when one is beset with hardship is verily a Bhāgavata. A person beset with adversity here [in this world] whose bhakti is unwavering and whose mind does not rejoice elsewhere [i.e., apart from in Śrī Bhagavān] is verily a Bhāgavata.”

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ekadā kṛṣṇa-patnyas tu śrī-kṛṣṇa-virahāturāḥ

ekadā kṛṣṇa-patnyas tu śrī-kṛṣṇa-virahāturāḥ |
kālindīṁ muditā vīkṣya papracchur gata-matsarāḥ ||
śrī-kṛṣṇa-patnya ūcuḥ |
yathā vayaṁ kṛṣṇa-patnyas tathā tvam api śobhane |
vayaṁ viraha-duḥkhārtās tvaṁ na kālindi tad vada ||
tac chrutvā smayamānā sā kālindī vākyam abravīt |
sāpatnyaṁ vīkṣya tat tāsāṁ karuṇāpara-mānasā ||
śrī-kālindy uvāca |
ātmārāmasya kṛṣṇasya dhruvam ātmāsti rādhikā |
tasyā dāsya-prabhāveṇa viraho’smān na saṁspṛśet ||
tasyā evāṁśa-vistārāḥ sarvāḥ śrī-kṛṣṇa-nāyikāḥ |
nitya-sambhoga evāsti tasyāḥ sāmmukhya-yogataḥ ||
(Skanda Purāṇa: Vaiṣṇava-khaṇḍa, Bhāgavata-māhātmya, 2.8–12)

“Once, wives of Kṛṣṇa who were distressed in separation from Śrī Kṛṣṇa [and had come to Śrī Vṛndāvana] saw Kālindī [i.e., Yamunā Devī] delighted, and been covetous, inquired [from her]. Śrī Kṛṣṇa’s wives said, ‘As we are wives of Kṛṣṇa, so too are you, O splendid one. We are stricken with sorrow in separation, but you are not, O Kālindī. Please explain this.’ Hearing this [inquiry], observing their rivalry [towards her as a co-wife], and being of compassionate mind towards them, she, Kālindī, smiling, spoke this statement [to them]. Śrī Kālindī said, ‘Rādhikā is the eternal self (ātmā) of Kṛṣṇa, he whose joy is in the self [i.e., he who is known to be ātmārāma]. By the influence of service to her, separation [from Kṛṣṇa] cannot touch us. All of Śrī Kṛṣṇa’s mistresses (nāyikās) are extensions of a part of her alone. There is certainly perpetual union [with Kṛṣṇa] (nitya-sambhoga) as a result of being present before her [alt., as a result of her favor, or, as a result of attentive service to her].”

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