
jāḍyaṁ hrīmati gaṇyate vrata-rucau dambhaḥ śucau kaitavaṁ

jāḍyaṁ hrīmati gaṇyate vrata-rucau dambhaḥ śucau kaitavaṁ
śūre nirghṛṇatā munau vimatitā dainyaṁ priyālāpini |
tejasviny avaliptatā mukharatā vaktary aśaktiḥ sthire
tat ko nāma guṇo bhavet sa guṇināṁ yo durjanair nāṅkitaḥ ||
(Nīti-śatakam: 54)

“They [i.e., those prone to fault-finding] ascribe folly to the modest,
Pretension to those who have affinity for rites,
Deceit to the honest,
Cruelty to the brave,
Stupidity to the sagacious,
Poverty to those of pleasing speech,
Arrogance to the powerful,
Garrulity to the eloquent,
And inability to the steadfast.
Is there any virtue in a virtuous person which shall not be maligned by the wicked?”

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yasyāsti vittaṁ sa naraḥ kulīnaḥ

yasyāsti vittaṁ sa naraḥ kulīnaḥ
sa paṇḍitaḥ sa śrutavān guṇajñaḥ |
sa eva vaktā sa ca darśanīyaḥ
sarve guṇāḥ kāñcanam āśrayanti ||
(Nīti-śatakam: 1.41)

“One who has wealth is noble person.

He is wise.

He is learned and expert.

He is eloquent, and he is handsome.

All qualities take shelter in gold [i.e., wealth].”

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ajñaḥ sukham ārādhyaḥ

ajñaḥ sukham ārādhyaḥ
sukhataram ārādhyate viśeṣajñaḥ |
brahmāpi taṁ naraṁ na rañjayati
(Nīti-śatakam: 3)

“The ignorant are easily propitiable,
The highly learned are propitiated even more easily,
[But] A person misguided by a meager modicum of knowledge—
Not even Brahmā can satisfy him.”

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re re cātaka sāvadhāna-manasā mitra kṣaṇaṁ śrūyatām

re re cātaka sāvadhāna-manasā mitra kṣaṇaṁ śrūyatām
ambhodā bahavo vasanti gagane sarve’pi naitādṛśāḥ |
kecid vṛṣṭibhir ārdrayanti vasudhāṁ garjanti kecid vṛthā
yaṁ yaṁ paśyasi tasya tasya purato mā brūhi dīnaṁ vacaḥ ||
(Nīti-śatakam: 51)

“Oh! Oh! Cātaka! My friend, listen with an attentive mind for a moment. Certainly many clouds reside in the sky, although all of them are not like this [i.e., not all of them are supporters of cātakas, as the cātaka stated in the previous verse]. Some saturate the earth with their showers, and some [merely] rumble frivolously [and do not shower any rain at all]. [So,] Do not speak piteous words before every single one you see.”

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tvam eva cātakādhāro’stīti keṣāṁ na gocaraḥ

tvam eva cātakādhāro’stīti keṣāṁ na gocaraḥ |
kim ambhoda-varāsmākaṁ kārpaṇyoktiṁ pratīkṣase ||
(Nīti-śatakam: 50)

“To whom is it not known that you alone are the support [“reservoir”] of the cātakas? So why, O dear cloud, do you wait for our expressions of deprivation [before showering rain upon us]?”

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yā sādhūṁś ca khalān karoti viduṣo mūrkhān hitān dveṣiṇaḥ

yā sādhūṁś ca khalān karoti viduṣo mūrkhān hitān dveṣiṇaḥ
pratyakṣaṁ kurute parekṣam amṛtaṁ hālāhalaṁ tat-kṣaṇāt |
tām ārādhaya sat-kriyāṁ bhagavatīṁ bhoktuṁ phalaṁ vāñchitaṁ
he sādho vyasanair guṇeṣu vipuleṣv āsthāṁ vṛthā mā kṛthāḥ ||
(Nīti-śatakam: 98)

“O sādhu! To attain your desired goal, worship the goddess of virtuous conduct, which makes the wicked good, the foolish wise, the inimical well-wishers, the invisible visible, and poison nectar in an instant. Do not in vain passionately put faith in numerous [other] qualities.”

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kṣīreṇātmagatodakāya hi guṇā dattā purā te’khilā

kṣīreṇātmagatodakāya hi guṇā dattā purā te’khilā
kṣīrottāpam avekṣya tena payasā svātmā kṛśānau hutaḥ |
gantuṁ pāvakam unmanas tad abhavad dṛṣṭvā tu mitrāpadaṁ
yuktaṁ tena jalena śāmyati satāṁ maitrī punas tv īdṛśī ||
(Nīti-śatakam: 76)

“First, milk bestowed all its own well-known qualities on water [such as whiteness, tastefulness, etc., when it was mixed with water]. Observing the milk [in its midst] becoming greatly heated [i.e., seeing the milk and itself being heated on a stove], the water made itself an offering into the fire [i.e., the water sacrificed itself to protect the milk]. The milk became eager to enter the fire [along with its friend the water, as it neared boiling over] upon seeing the distress of his friend [i.e., the water], but became calm when combined with water again. Such is friendship with the virtuous.”

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pāpān nivārayati yojayate hitāya

pāpān nivārayati yojayate hitāya
guhyam nigūhati guṇān prakaṭīkaroti |
āpad-gataṁ ca na jahāti dadāti kāle
san-mitra-lakṣaṇam idaṁ pravadanti santaḥ
(Nīta-śatakam of Bhatṛhari: 1.73)

“The wise say these are the characteristics of a true friend: he prevents one from sins, engages one in what is beneficial, conceals one’s secrets, affirms one’s qualities, does not abandon one in trouble, and gives one [whatever is required or desired] at the appropriate time.”

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yadā kiñcij-jño’haṁ dvipa iva madāndhas samabhavaṁ

yadā kiñcij-jño’haṁ dvipa iva madāndhas samabhavaṁ
tadā sarvajño’smīty abhavad avaliptaṁ mama manaḥ |
yadā kiñcit kiñcid budhajana-sakāśād avagataṁ
tadā mūrkho’smīti jvara iva mado me vyapagataḥ ||
(Nīti-śatakam: 8)

“When I had a little knowledge
and became blinded with pride
like an elephant [in rut],
then my mind became arrogant,
as I thought, ‘I know everything.’
When I understood a little something from wise persons,
then I thought, ‘I am a fool,’
and my pride faded away like a fever.

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ālasyaṁ hi manuṣyāṇāṁ

ālasyaṁ hi manuṣyāṇāṁ śarīrastho mahān ripuḥ |
nāsty udyama-samo bandhuḥ kurvāṇo nāvasīdati ||
(Nīti-śataka: 86)

“The great enemy situated in the body of human beings is laziness, and there is no friend [to them] like endeavor. One who acts never comes to ruin.”

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