śrī-rūpasyāṅghri-padmaṁ praṇata-matir ahaṁ naumi bhūmau nipatya
śrī-rūpasyāṅghri-padmaṁ praṇata-matir ahaṁ naumi bhūmau nipatya
śrī-rādhā-kṛṣṇa-līlāmṛta-salila-nidhau majjitā yena lokāḥ |
śrīmac-caitanya-candro’py atiśaya-kṛpayā yatra śaktiṁ prakāśya
śrīmad-vṛndāvanīyaṁ madhura-rati-rasaṁ darśayāmāsa sarvān ||
(Bhāvanā-sāra-saṅgraha: Upasaṁhara, 3)
“Humble in mind,
I fall to the earth
And praise the lotus feet of Śrī Rūpa,
By whom the people [of the world] have been immersed
In the ocean of the nectar of Śrī Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa’s līlā,
And by empowering whom with profuse grace
Śrīmac Caitanyacandra so also revealed to everyone
The rasa of the madhura-rati found in Śrīmad Vṛndāvana.”