
yac ca kāma-sukhaṁ loke yac ca divyaṁ mahat sukham

yac ca kāma-sukhaṁ loke yac ca divyaṁ mahat sukham |
tṛṇṣā-kṣaya-sukhasyaite nārhataḥ ṣoḍaśīṁ kalām ||
(Mahābhārata: 12.168.36)

“The happiness produced by objects of desire in this world, and the great happiness in Svarga—these are not equal to [even] a sixteenth of the happiness of the cessation of desire.”

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tulayāma lavenāpi na svargaṁ nāpunar-bhavam

tulayāma lavenāpi na svargaṁ nāpunar-bhavam |
bhagavat-saṅgi-saṅgasya martyānāṁ kim utāśiṣaḥ ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 1.18.13 and 4.30.34; cited in Hari-bhakti-vilāsa: 10.284, Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 1.2.228)

[The sages at Naimiṣāraṇya to Sūta Gosvāmī and the Pracetās to Bhagavān:] “Let us not equate Svarga or non-repetition of birth [i.e., mokṣa], much less the blessings [i.e., wealth] of mortals, with even an instant of association with those who are devoted to Bhagavān.”

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sa-premakā bhaktir atīva-durlabhā

sa-premakā bhaktir atīva-durlabhā
svargādi-bhogaḥ sulabho’bhavaś ca saḥ |
cintāmaṇiḥ sarva-janair na labhyate
labhyeta kācādi kadāpi hāṭakam ||
(Bṛhad Bhāgavatāmṛta: 2.4.232)

“Bhakti endowed with prema is extremely rare to attain. Enjoyment of Svarga and so forth, and even non-birth [i.e., non-rebirth], are [relatively] easy to attain. A thought-jewel is not attained by everyone. [Rather,] Glass and so forth is attained, and sometimes gold.”

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nārāyaṇa-parāḥ sarve na kutaścana bibhyati

nārāyaṇa-parāḥ sarve na kutaścana bibhyati |
svargāpavarga-narakeṣv api tulyārtha-darśinaḥ ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 6.17.28; cited in Hari-bhakti-vilāsa: 10.190; Bhakti-rasāmṛa-sindhu: 1.2.33; Prīti Sandarbha: 21, 47)

[Śiva to Pārvatī:] “All who are devoted to Nārāyaṇa do not become afraid under any circumstances. They are seers of the same object amid Svarga, liberation, and even Naraka.”

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yasya bhaktir bhagavati

yasya bhaktir bhagavati harau niḥśreyaseśvare |
vikrīḍato’mṛtāmbhodhau kiṁ kṣudraiḥ khātakodakaiḥ ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 6.12.22; cited in Prīti Sandarbha: 19)

[Indra to Vṛtrāsura:] “One who has bhakti to Bhagavān, Hari, the Īśvara of supreme auspiciousness, playfully swims in an ocean of nectar. Of what use to him are the waters [i.e., pleasures] in small ditches [like Svargaloka]?”

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