
rāma—priye, kim etat

rāma—priye, kim etat |
viniścetuṁ śakyo na sukham iti vā duḥkham iti vā
pramoho nidrā vā kim u viṣa-visarpaḥ kim u madaḥ |
tava sparśe sparśe mama hi parimūḍhendriya-gaṇo
vikāraś caitanyaṁ bhramayati ca saṁmīlayati ca ||
sītā—sthira-prasādā yūyam ita idānīṁ kim aparam |
(Uttara-rāma-carita: 1.36)

[As Rāma takes Sītā into his arms to rest for some time:] “Rāma: ’My dear, what is this? I am not able to ascertain whether this is joy or sorrow. Is it stupor or sleep? Is it a diffusion of poison or inebriety? At your every touch, some feeling which bewilders my senses causes my consciousness to reel and fall faint.’ Sītā [replies]: ‘This is your everlasting graciousness [upon me]. What else could it be?’”

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advaitaṁ sukha-duḥkhayor anuguṇaṁ sarvāsvavasthāsu yad

advaitaṁ sukha-duḥkhayor anuguṇaṁ sarvāsvavasthāsu yad
viśrāmo hṛdayasya yatra jarasā yasminn ahāryo rasaḥ |
kālenāvaraṇātyayāt pariṇate yat sneha-sāre sthitaṁ
bhadraṁ tasya sumānuṣasya katham apy ekaṁ hi tat prāpyate ||
(Uttara-Rāma-carita: 1.39; Mahāsubhāṣita-saṅgraha: 1020)

[Rāma muses about Sītā’s love for him as she sleeps in his lap:] “That which is uniform in happiness and distress, which is congenial in all circumstances, wherein there is repose for the heart, within which rasa cannot be drawn away by old age, and which through time, with the removal of reserve, abides in the fully distilled essence of affection—the special blessedness of that [love] is somehow attained only by the most fortunate human being.”

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