pariṇāma-tāpa-saṁskāra-duḥkhair guṇa-vṛtti-virodhāc ca duḥkham eva sarvam vivekinaḥ
pariṇāma-tāpa-saṁskāra-duḥkhair guṇa-vṛtti-virodhāc ca duḥkham eva sarvam vivekinaḥ |
(Yoga-sūtra: 2.15)
“For one possessed of discernment, everything [i.e., all worldly experience] is verily suffering because of the sufferings of [i.e., caused by] transformation [i.e., karmic reactions, alt., invariable impermanence], [the] sorrow [ensuing from such transformation], and [the] saṁskāras [created thereby], and on account of the opposition in the functioning of the guṇas.”