
śīlaṁ saṁvasatā jñeyaṁ śaucaṁ saṁvyavahārataḥ

śīlaṁ saṁvasatā jñeyaṁ śaucaṁ saṁvyavahārataḥ |
prajñā saṁkathanāj jñeyā tribhiḥ pātraṁ parīkṣyate ||
(Unknown source)

“Character is to be known by living together, cleanliness [is to be known] by working together, and wisdom is to be known by conversing together. A recipient is to be examined in these three ways.”

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yathā caturbhiḥ kanakaṁ parīkṣyate

yathā caturbhiḥ kanakaṁ parīkṣyate
nigharṣaṇa-cchedana-tāpa-tāḍanaiḥ |
tathā caturbhiḥ puruṣaḥ parīkṣyate
tyāgena śīlena guṇena karmaṇā ||

“As gold is to be examined in four ways—by rubbing, cutting, heating, and hitting, so a person is to be examined in four respects: renunciation, character, qualities, and actions.”

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vidyāvatāṁ bhāgavate parīkṣā

hutāśane hāṭaka-saṁparīkṣā vipatti-kāle gṛhiṇī-parīkṣā |
raṇa-sthale śastra-bhṛtāṁ parīkṣā vidyāvatāṁ bhāgavate parīkṣā ||
(Unknown source)

“The test of gold is in fire.
The test of a wife is at the time of adversity.
The test of warriors [lit., ‘weapon-bearers’] is at the battle ground.
And the test of the knowledgable is in the Bhāgavatam.”

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yo vakti nyāya-rahitam anyāyena śṛṇoti yaḥ

yo vakti nyāya-rahitam anyāyena śṛṇoti yaḥ |
tāv ubhau narakaṁ ghoraṁ vrajataḥ kālam akṣayam ||
(Nārada Pañcarātra; cited in Hari-bhakti-vilāsa: 1.101; Bhakti Sandarbha: 238)

“Both one who speaks devoid of rule [i.e., without adherence to śāstra] and one who listens devoid of rule [i.e., without adherence to śāstra] proceed to a dark hell for unlimited time.”

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vaktā sarāgo nīrāgo dvividhaḥ parikīrtitaḥ

vaktā sarāgo nīrāgo dvividhaḥ parikīrtitaḥ |
sarāgo lolupaḥ kāmī tad uktaṁ hṛn na saṁspṛśet ||
upadeśaṁ karoty eva na parīkṣāṁ karoti ca |
aparīkṣyopadiṣṭaṁ yal loka-nāśāya tad bhavet ||
(Brahma-vaivarta Purāṇa; cited in Bhakti Sandarbha: 203)

“A teacher is said to be of two types: [one] with attachment (rāga) and [one] without attachment. One with attachment is greedy and covetous. His words cannot touch the heart. He only gives teachings and does not conduct any examination. That which is taught without conducting any examination certainly leads to ruination of society.”

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