Sārvabhauma Bhaṭṭācārya

ātma-nindā kari laila prabhura śaraṇa

ātma-nindā kari laila prabhura śaraṇa |
kṛpā karibāre tabe prabhura haila mana ||
(Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta: 2.6.201)

“He [i.e., Sārvabhauma Bhaṭṭāchārya] rebuked himself and took shelter of Prabhu. Prabhu then decided to bestow grace [upon him].”

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antaḥ kṛṣṇaṁ bahir gauraṁ darśitāṅgādi-vaibhavam

antaḥ kṛṣṇaṁ bahir gauraṁ darśitāṅgādi-vaibhavam |
kalau saṅkīrtanādyaiḥ smaḥ kṛṣṇa-caitanyam āśritāḥ ||
(Tattva Sandarbha: 2; cited in Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta: 1.3.80)

“Through saṅkīrtana and so forth in [the Age of] Kali, we have taken shelter in Kṛṣṇa Caitanya, who is internally Kṛṣṇa, externally golden, and manifest with the magnificence of his limbs and so forth [i.e., along with his sub-limbs, weapons, and associates].”

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na vayaṁ kavayo na tārkikā

na vayaṁ kavayo na tārkikā
na ca vedānta-nitānta-pāragāḥ |
na ca vādi-nivārakāḥ paraṁ
kapaṭābhīra-kiśora-kiṅkarāḥ ||
(Sārvabhauma Bhaṭṭācārya; cited in Padyāvalī: 72)

“We are neither poets, nor logicians, nor great adepts in Vedānta, nor refuters of disputants. Rather, we are servants of a crafty cowherd boy.”

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yathā rādhā-padāmbhoje

yathā rādhā-padāmbhoje bhaktiḥ syāt prema-lakṣaṇā |
tathaiva kṛṣṇa-caitanye vardhate madhurā ratiḥ ||
(Caitanya-śataka: 18)

“As far as bhakti characterized by prema for the lotus feet of Rādhā shall manifest, so indeed sweet rati increases for Kṛṣṇa Caitanya.”

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saṅkīrtanārambha-kṛte’pi gaure

saṅkīrtanārambha-kṛte’pi gaure
dhāvanti jīva-śravaṇe guṇāni |
aśuddha-cittāḥ kim u śuddha-cittāḥ
śrutvā pramattāḥ khalu te nanartuḥ ||
(Caitanya-śataka: 32)

“Even when Gaura had just begun his saṅkīrtana, the qualities [of the name] purified the ears of the jīvas. Those of impure mind, and all the more those of pure mind, upon hearing [the saṅkīrtana], became indeed maddened and danced.”

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