अथोच्यन्ते त्रयस्त्रिंशद्भावा ये व्यभिचारिणः ।विशेषेणाभिमुख्येन चरन्ति स्थायिनं प्रति ॥
वागङ्गसत्त्वसूच्या ज्ञेयास्ते व्यभिचारिणः ।
सञ्चारयन्ति भावस्य गतिं सञ्चारिणोऽपि ॥
उन्मज्जन्ति निमज्जन्ति स्थायिन्यमृतवारिधौ ।
ऊर्मिवद्वर्धयन्त्येनं यान्ति तद्रूपतां च ते ॥
athocyante trayas-triṁśad-bhāvā ye vyabhicāriṇaḥ |
viśeṣeṇābhimukhyena caranti sthāyinaṁ prati ||
vāg-aṅga-sattva-sūcyā jñeyās te vyabhicāriṇaḥ |
sañcārayanti bhāvasya gatiṁ sañcāriṇo’pi ||
unmajjanti nimajjanti sthāyiny amṛta-vāridhau |
ūrmivad vardhayanty enaṁ yānti tad-rūpatāṁ ca te ||
(Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 2.4.1–3)
“Now, the thirty-three vyabhicāri-bhāvas are to be described. Those [bhāvas] which move against the sthāyi [-bhāva] with a distinctive supportiveness [of the sthāyi-bhāva], and [which] are identifiable by speech, the body, and sattva [i.e., the state of the antaḥkaraṇa, lsly., mind] are to be known as vyabhicāris [i.e., vyabhicāri-bhāvas], and also as sañcāris [i.e., saṅcāri-bhāvas], since they mobilize the condition of the [sthāyi-] bhāva. They arise and recede like waves in the ocean of nectar that is the sthāyi [-bhāva], increase this [i.e., the sthāyi-bhāva], and attain the state of its form [i.e., merge into it].”