अथ श्रीमद्भृत्येषु रागपर्यन्तापि सम्भाव्यते तेषां ममताधिक्येन सन्तततत्सेवालम्पटत्वेन तदेकजीवनत्वात् । लाल्येषु साक्षाच्छ्रीविग्रहसम्बन्धेन ततोऽपि ममताविशेषोर्जितत्वात्रागातिशयो मन्तव्यः ।
atha śrīmad-bhṛtyeṣu rāga-paryantāpi sambhāvyate teṣāṁ mamatādhikyena santata-tat-sevā-lampaṭatvena tad-eka-jīvanatvāt | lālyeṣu sākṣāc-chrī-vigraha-sambandhena tato’pi mamatā-viśeṣorjitatvāt rāgātiśayo mantavyaḥ |
(Prīti Sandarbha: 92)
“Then, in blessed servants (bhṛtyas) [of Śrī Bhagavān], [prīti] even up to [the stage of] rāga is possible because of their having him alone as [their] life as a result of [their] being constantly covetous of his service on account of the exceedance of [their] my-ness (mamatā) [in relation to him]. A profusion of rāga is to be recognized in those to be cherished (lālyas) because of [their] having special my-ness (mamatā) [in relation to him] stronger than even that [of the servants (bhṛtyas)] because of [the lālya’s] direct relationship with [his] divine body.”