अल्पाक्षरं रमणीयं यः कथयति निश्चितं स खलु वाग्मी ।
बहुवचनमल्पसारं यः कथयति विप्रलापी सः ॥
alpākṣaraṁ ramaṇīyaṁ yaḥ kathayati niścitaṁ sa khalu vāgmī |
bahu-vacanam alpa-sāraṁ yaḥ kathayati vipralāpī saḥ ||
(Mahāsubhāṣita-saṅgraha: 3197)
“One who explains [a subject] in a few pleasing words is certainly eloquent. One who explains [a subject] with many words of little substance is a prattler.”