तद्गुणोऽतद्गुणश्चेति बहुव्रीहिर्द्विधा मतः ।
प्रथमो लम्बकर्णः स्याद्द्वितीया दृष्टसागरः ॥

tadguṇo’tadguṇaś ceti bahuvrīhir dvidhā mataḥ |
prathamo lamba-karṇaḥ syād dvitīyā dṛṣṭa-sāgaraḥ ||

“The bahuvrīhi is known to be of two types: tadguṇa and atadguṇa (or, tad-guṇa-saṁvijñāna and atad-guṇa-saṁvijñāna) [i.e., a compound wherein the quality described by the members of the compound is perceived in the object which the compound as a whole describes, and a compound wherein the quality described by the members of the compound is not so perceived]. ‘Long-ear’ (lamba-karṇaḥ) can be the first [i.e., an example of the first type is lamba-karṇa, lit., one who has long ears, that is, an elephant,] and ‘seen-ocean’ (dṛṣṭa-sāgara) the second [i.e., an example of the second type is dṛṣṭa-sāgara, one who has seen the ocean].”


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