स्मरणं दर्शनं स्त्रीणां गुणकर्मानुकीर्तनम् ।
समीचीनत्वधीस्तासु प्रीतिः संभाषणं मिथः ॥
सहवासश्च संसर्गोऽष्टधा मैथुनं विदुः ।
smaraṇaṁ darśanaṁ strīṇāṁ guṇa-karmānukīrtanam |
samīcīnatva-dhīs tāsu prītiḥ saṁbhāṣaṇaṁ mithaḥ ||
sahavāsaś ca saṁsargo’ṣṭadhā maithunaṁ viduḥ |
(Śaṅkarācārya’s Sarva-vedānta-siddhānta-sāra-saṅgraha: 109-110)
“Know intercourse to be eightfold: remembering women, looking at them, mentioning their qualities and activities, thinking of the suitability of them, favoring them [alt., taking pleasure in them], conversing with them privately, cohabiting with them, and copulating with them.”