Eight verses in praise of the six gosvāmīs
By Śrīmad Śrīnivāsa Ācārya
कृष्णोत्कीर्तनगाननर्तनपरौ प्रेमामृताम्भोनिधी
धीराधीरजनप्रियौ प्रियकरौ निर्मत्सरौ पूजितौ ।
श्रीचैतन्यकृपाभरौ भुवि भुवो भारावहन्तारकौ
वन्दे रूपसनातनौ रघुयुगौ श्रीजीवगोपालकौ ॥१॥
kṛṣṇotkīrtana-gāna-nartana-parau premāmṛtāmbho-nidhī
dhīrādhīra-jana-priyau priya-karau nirmatsarau pūjitau |
śrī-caitanya-kṛpā-bharau bhuvi bhuvo bhārāvahantārakau
vande rūpa-sanātanau raghu-yugau śrī-jīva-gopālakau ||1||
Absorbed in dancing, singing, and highly praising Kṛṣṇa,
[Being] Oceans of the nectar of prema,
Dear to the learned and the unlearned,
Giving pleasure [to all],
Non-envious [towards all],
Worshippable [to all],
Carrying the grace of Śrī Caitanya on the earth,
[And] Relieving of the burden of the earth—
I offer obeisance to Rūpa, Sanātana,
the two Raghus [i.e., Raghunātha Bhaṭṭa and Raghunātha Dāsa],
Śrī Jīva, and Gopāla.
नानाशास्त्रविचारणैकनिपुणौ सद्धर्मसंस्थापकौ
लोकानां हितकारिणौ त्रिभुवने मान्यौ शरण्याकरौ ।
राधाकृष्णपदारविन्दभजनानन्देन मत्तालिकौ
वन्दे रूपसनातनौ रघुयुगौ श्रीजीवगोपालकौ ॥२॥
nānā-śāstra-vicāraṇaika-nipuṇau sad-dharma-saṁsthāpakau
lokānāṁ hita-kāriṇau tribhuvane mānyau śaraṇyākarau |
rādhā-kṛṣṇa-padāravinda-bhajanānandena mattālikau
vande rūpa-sanātanau raghu-yugau śrī-jīva-gopālakau ||2||
The foremost experts in deliberation upon various śāstras,
Full establishers of true dharma,
Benefactors of the people,
Honorable throughout the three worlds,
Givers of shelter,
Bees maddened by the bliss of bhajana
to the lotus feet of Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa—
I offer obeisance to Rūpa, Sanātana,
the two Raghus [i.e., Raghunātha Bhaṭṭa and Raghunātha Dāsa],
Śrī Jīva, and Gopāla.
श्रीगौराङ्गगुणानुवर्णनविधौ श्रद्धासमृद्ध्यन्वितौ
पापोत्तापनिकृन्तनौ तनुभृतां गोविन्दगानामृतैः ।
आनन्दाम्बुधिवर्धनैकनिपुणौ कैवल्यनिस्तारकौ
वन्दे रूपसनातनौ रघुयुगौ श्रीजीवगोपालकौ ॥३॥
śrī-gaurāṅga-guṇānuvarṇana-vidhau śraddhā-samṛddhy-anvitau
pāpottāpa-nikṛntanau tanu-bhṛtāṁ govinda-gānāmṛtaiḥ |
ānandāmbudhi-vardhanaika-nipuṇau kaivalya-nistārakau
vande rūpa-sanātanau raghu-yugau śrī-jīva-gopālakau ||3||
Narrating the qualities of Śrī Gaurāṅga,
Filled with an abundance [alt., the great wealth] of śraddhā,
Subduing the sin and suffering of embodied beings
with the nectar of songs about Govinda,
The foremost experts in expanding the ocean of bliss,
Deliverers [of embodied beings] from kaivalya [i.e., sāyujya-mukti],
I offer obeisance to Rūpa, Sanātana,
the two Raghus [i.e., Raghunātha Bhaṭṭa and Raghunātha Dāsa],
Śrī Jīva, and Gopāla.
त्यक्त्वा तूर्णमशेषमण्डलपतिश्रेणीं सदा तुच्छवत्
भूत्वा दीनगणेशकौ करुणया कौपीनकन्थाश्रितौ ।
पीभावरसामृताब्धिलहरीकल्लोलमग्नौ मुहु-
र्वन्दे रूपसनातनौ रघुयुगौ श्रीजीवगोपालकौ ॥४॥
tyaktvā tūrṇam aśeṣa-maṇḍala-pati-śreṇīṁ sadā tucchavat
bhūtvā dīna-gaṇeśakau karuṇayā kaupīna-kanthāśritau |
gopī-bhāva-rasāmṛtābdhi-laharī-kallola-magnau muhur
vande rūpa-sanātanau raghu-yugau śrī-jīva-gopālakau ||4||
Swiftly renouncing the class of possessors of unlimited property
As invariably insignificant,
Compassionately becoming guardians of the humble,
Donning [only] loincloths and quilts,
And remaining constantly immersed
In the waves of bliss within the ocean of rasa
Manifested by the gopīs’ bhāva—
I offer obeisance to Rūpa, Sanātana,
the two Raghus [i.e., Raghunātha Bhaṭṭa and Raghunātha Dāsa],
Śrī Jīva, and Gopāla.
कूजत्कोकिलहंससारसगणाकीर्णे मयूराकुले
नानारत्ननिबद्धमूलविटपश्रीयुक्तवृन्दावने ।
राधाकृष्णमहर्निशं प्रभजतौ जीवार्थदौ यौ मुदा
वन्दे रूपसनातनौ रघुयुगौ श्रीजीवगोपालकौ ॥५॥
kūjat-kokila-haṁsa-sārasa-gaṇākīrṇe mayūrākule
nānā-ratna-nibaddha-mūla-viṭapa-śrī-yukta-vṛndāvane |
rādhā-kṛṣṇam ahar-niśaṁ prabhajatau jīvārthadau yau mudā
vande rūpa-sanātanau raghu-yugau śrī-jīva-gopālakau ||5||
In Vṛndāvana,
Resonant with the calls of cuckoos, swans, and cranes,
Filled with peacocks,
And beautified by trees
Furnished with various jewels at their bases,
Day and night,
Devoutely serving Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa,
And joyful fulfilling the jīvas’ desires—
I offer obeisance to Rūpa, Sanātana,
the two Raghus [i.e., Raghunātha Bhaṭṭa and Raghunātha Dāsa],
Śrī Jīva, and Gopāla.
सङ्ख्यापूर्वकनामगाननतिभिः कालावसानीकृतौ
निद्राहारविहारकादिविजितौ चात्यन्तदीनौ च यौ ।
राधाकृष्णगुणस्मृतेर्मधुरिमानन्देन सम्मोहितौ
वन्दे रूपसनातनौ रघुयुगौ श्रीजीवगोपालकौ ॥६॥
saṅkhyā-pūrvaka-nāma-gāna-natibhiḥ kālāvasānī-kṛtau
nidrāhāra-vihārakādi-vijitau cātyanta-dīnau ca yau |
rādhā-kṛṣṇa-guṇa-smṛter madhurimānandena sammohitau
vande rūpa-sanātanau raghu-yugau śrī-jīva-gopālakau ||6||
Spending their time [engaged]
In measured chanting of the nāma-japa and [offering of] obeisances,
Conquering sleep, food, recreation, and so forth,
Extremely humble,
Completely captivated
by the bliss produced by the sweetness of remembrance
of Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa’s qualities—
I offer obeisance to Rūpa, Sanātana,
the two Raghus [i.e., Raghunātha Bhaṭṭa and Raghunātha Dāsa],
Śrī Jīva, and Gopāla.
राधाकुण्डतटे कलिन्दतनयातीरे च वंशीवटे
प्रेमोन्मादवशादशेषदशया ग्रस्तौ प्रमत्तौ सदा ।
गायन्तौ च कदा हरेर्गुणवरं भावाभिभूतौ मुदा
वन्दे रूपसनातनौ रघुयुगौ श्रीजीवगोपालकौ ॥७॥
rādhā-kuṇḍa-taṭe kalinda-tanayā-tīre ca vaṁśī-vaṭe
premonmāda-vaśād aśeṣa-daśayā grastau pramattau sadā |
gāyantau ca kadā harer guṇa-varaṁ bhāvābhibhūtau mudā
vande rūpa-sanātanau raghu-yugau śrī-jīva-gopālakau ||7||
On the bank of Rādhā Kuṇḍa,
On the shore of the Yamunā,
Or at [the base of] Vaṁśī Vaṭa,
Overcome by the madness of prema,
Seized by unlimited states,
Constantly intoxicated,
Sometimes singing of Hari’s superb qualities,
And [sometimes] joyfully overwhelmed with bhāva—
I offer obeisance to Rūpa, Sanātana,
the two Raghus [i.e., Raghunātha Bhaṭṭa and Raghunātha Dāsa],
Śrī Jīva, and Gopāla.
हे राधे व्रजदेविके च ललिते हे नन्दसूनो कुतः
श्रीगोवर्द्धनकल्पपादपतले कालिन्दीवन्ये कुतः ।
घोषन्ताविति सर्वतो व्रजपुरे खेदैर्महाविह्वलौ
वन्दे रूपसनातनौ रघुयुगौ श्रीजीवगोपालकौ ॥८॥
he rādhe vraja-devike ca lalite he nanda-sūno kutaḥ
śrī-govardhana-kalpa-pādapa-tale kālindī-vanye kutaḥ |
ghoṣantāv iti sarvato vraja-pure khedair mahāvihvalau
vande rūpa-sanātanau raghu-yugau śrī-jīva-gopālakau ||8||
“O Rādhā! Vraja-devikā!
O Son of Nanda!
Where are you?
At the base of the desire-tree near Govardhana?
In the grove beside the Yamunā?
Where are you?”
Calling out in this way everywhere through the abode of Vraja,
Completely overwhelmed by lamentations—
I offer obeisance to Rūpa, Sanātana,
the two Raghus [i.e., Raghunātha Bhaṭṭa and Raghunātha Dāsa],
Śrī Jīva, and Gopāla.
Stavāmṛta-laharī edition by Śrī Haribhakta Dāsa.